Best ideas to make small memorial garden?

by Janice
  5 answers
  • Kami Kami on Mar 25, 2018

    I like to have an item in the space that I felt represented my person or furkid. This was my art piece & inspiration. Then I would pick some kind of foliage or flowers to place or plant around my space. I am sorry for your loss.

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Mar 25, 2018

    Were it for my Mom, I’d do it in an old washtub, with herbs she loved to cook with. For my Dad, a horse trough filled with hot pepper plants.

  • Christel Christel on Mar 25, 2018

    Plant flowers or a dwarf tree a fence corner. Think of what the person you want to memorialize liked or what things make you think of them. A small bench or rocking chair? A small fruit tree? I'll be making one myself this summer. Please post your final design, I'd love to see it! :)

  • Emily Emily on Mar 25, 2018

    My beloved, bichon frize, is buried in our back yard and we have made a small memorial garden there. The angel we bought in N.C. at a garden center going out of business, the two faux bois planters I found at our transfer station. The small "pool" is a cement mixing container I bought at a yard sale for $1. WE have a very famous park in our town and many people buy cement memorial benches for their beloved departed. I like that idea a lot esp as they are usually placed to see the ocean.

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