Hot tub shell converted to wading/cooling pool?

Lagree Wyndham
by Lagree Wyndham
Has any one ever attempted this? I find old hot tubs Craigslist for little or nothing, just haul away. Most of the time the motor/electronics/pump/heater are shot and to expensive to replace. Has anyone attached a small pool pump and filter to one? I'm considering trying this once patio is finished..if we ever have frost to kill the mosquitoes and it dries up enough to remove a tree stump and re-level back yard.
  17 answers
  • Diane B Diane B on Nov 14, 2015
    Sounds like a fun project. Go for it. I have seen where tubs have been used /repurposed to Aqua culture and water features so turning it into a wading pool should be a really nice addition. Of course making sure the water system is adequate will be the main concern when doing this. The one we were given is waiting for trees to be removed so we can use it as s rooting bed. Please show the project when you can.
  • Lilli H Lilli H on Nov 14, 2015
    i have no advice but think its a great idea. Sometimes I think it would be great to have little pool just to dip in on hot days to cool off. I'd also love to see it if you complete this project. Strange question/ new hot tubs function the same if you don't use the heat element? Just let the water be air temp? I've never had one. That way you can use it to cool off in the summer and enjoy the heat in the winter.
    • Lisa Williams Lisa Williams on Nov 14, 2015
      @Lilli H The answer to your question is yes. You don't have to turn the thermostat on. You can leave it off or on low and use a hot tub with cooler water.
  • Cheryle Fuller Cheryle Fuller on Nov 14, 2015
    I spent way to much money trying to convert mine and the heater was not accurately checked out so now I am stuck with this well insulated piece of junk. I converted mine to a fish pond, but inadvertently killed the fish when I left the water line in it too long. The lilies are florishing tho'. I later diverted the downspot off the roof to keep it filled. If the heavy rain overfills it, no problem. i did let an employee let her kids play in the water before adding the lilies and fish. Seemed to work out well. You can get free pumps from the inflated pools all the time off Craiglist or Freecycle. Just figure out how to make them work. I have a small pump for the decorative spitting fish to keep mine filtered. If your water is balanced, it will remian clear. My biggest problem is the deer nibbling the lilies.
  • Sheryl Dunham Sheryl Dunham on Nov 14, 2015
    we had a neighbor use a metal stock tank and a pool filter for his deck pool....don't know why your idea would not work just as well.
  • Patty Morgan Patty Morgan on Nov 14, 2015
    We did try using our old hot tub shell for a cooling tub for the grandkids this summer and even rigged up a pump to keep the water clean.....lasted almost 3 weeks until the pump stopped working. We also used the cover to keep birds and bugs from living in it . We can't be certain but we think if it hadn't been covered we would have noticed the water not moving and looking cloudy. Got rid of the bad water and decided to pitch the shell :)
  • Martha McKnight Martha McKnight on Nov 14, 2015
    I've considered turning one into a water feature with water lilies and water plants as well as a few koi . All you need is a $50.00 pond pump to circulate the water
  • Glenda Glenda on Nov 14, 2015
    We converted an hot tub that my friend gave us to a pond in our back yard. My husband took our the foam out of it and fiberglassed ove tho holes. Dug a large hole and put in ground. We have several fish in it too.
  • Julie B Julie B on Nov 29, 2015
    What a great idea~ You could also make it into an organic/natural pond.
  • Lori Zella Rago Lori Zella Rago on May 29, 2018

    For the last 7 to 10 years, I have used our old hot tub as a "cool pool." I use an intex filter and this year, we have just installed a solar heater. It works great!

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    • See 5 previous
    • Beverly LeStronge Beverly LeStronge on Sep 17, 2020

      I have a non-working jacuzzi that I want to try this with. So with the Intex Filter you don't need a pump and what kind of solar heater are you using?

  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on May 29, 2018

    Mosquito Problem? Get a sprayer for your hose. fill with equal amounts of of Lemon scented dish washing soap and lemon scented amonia and spray your entire yard. When you stop seeing bubbles, refill sprayer. Get the cheapest kind at Dollar Store!!! (Even spray a bit over into your neighbor's yard!)

    Spray bushes, underside of bushes around trees, spray up on edge of roof so it will run down gutters, spray standing flower pots, SPRAY EVERYTHING!! and "skeetters" will be G.O.N.E.!!! Do this about every 3 weeks for a while.

    We could not walk down the sidewalk to the mailbox without getting dozens of bites!

  • Penny Penny on Jul 16, 2018

    Did you ever try this?.. I have been thinking same thing for some time!

  • Vicki Walsh Vicki Walsh on Jul 18, 2018

    I am looking to do the same thing to my 10 year old hot tub which needs a major pump/heater overall. Hitching up an external pool pump to make a small above ground dipping pool out of the shell seems like a doable thing. Would love to hear of more success stories of this project. Thanks

  • Vicki Walsh Vicki Walsh on Jul 22, 2018

    Okay, filled my tub with water and it is leaking. It's an older hot tub 11 years old and sat empty for a year. Could I use clear flex seal spray to cover the jets to stop any water going in?

  • Bridget H Bridget H on Aug 10, 2018

    I just did the same thing. I put my pond pump in hot tub, ran tubing to the waterfall. Has been set up for a week now and water is very clear, gonna get a chlorine floater, store I went to yesterday didnā€™t have the small one I wanted

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  • Mark William Bryan Mark William Bryan on Apr 05, 2019

    I just bought a old hot tub and want it for a splash pool/chill pool.... Alot of pipes and it has a stainless steel frame and thinking of half sinking it, just worried about when I need to drain water and what pool pump to use...

  • Riley Riley on Jul 21, 2020

    Hi I'm new to hot tubs. I got an old hot tub for free there is no control panel, heater or pump. Could I just add a pump to my hot tub to make it a cool pool? Does the control panel need to be working? Would love to success stories on this project. Thanks!

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Dec 17, 2020

    I would get the free hot tube if it doesn't have any leaks in the pool. Might be nice to soak in some cool water in the 100+ days, but I would put on a solar blanket to help heat it up a little.