How to create privacy in my back yard without insulting my neighbors.

by Heart344
My yard boarders my two neighbors, they park all their cars in the back yard boarding my back yard and deck. I feel like I'm tail gating all the time no privac. No one uses fencing here, got any ideas.

  4 answers
  • Install trellises with quick growing vines, climbing roses or jasmine. In spite of no fences, I would not want to sit in a parking lot either. 🚖🚗🚘

  • Dianne williams Dianne williams on May 21, 2017

    privit is the best bush but you will have to wait a few years for it to grow higher than the fence.

  • Margaret Margaret on May 21, 2017

    Good fences make good neighbors. Get a dog... or a young child or grandchild. Put up a fence and if the neighbors comment, tell them you needed to do it to protect the child or dog from wandering off. You could also just borrow a dog for a week or so after the fence was in place, then return it to your friend or relative and tell the neighbors the dog just didn't work out and you had to return it to it's previous owner...

  • D. D. on May 26, 2017

    We were surrounded by houses that created a privacy problem along with unsightly yards. I simply informed my neighborsthat we were installing a privacy fence and re-assured them that our intent was not to exclude them from our yard or insult them. They and their children were welcome to visit. With the emphasis that would gain privacy too. It's worked out great.