I need landscaping ideas front yard Cape Cod
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Front yard landscaping?
Do the Italian cypress trees add curb appeal or no?
You could replace it with mulch and turn it into a lovely garden
do a pretty rock garden with colorful flowers and plant so you wont have to mow. do rocks instead of mulch so you wont have to replenish it since rocks lasts forever. would be very practical and attractive. maintenance free.
Looking at the front: Bring out the beds on the left and right. River Birch tree on the left, Lilac tree on the right. Cone shaped
boxwood on either side of entrance.
Either round boxwood between or hydrangea. Window boxes filled with annuals and grasses. Shutters would be nice in a slate gray, paint the front door
to bring in some color.
Lovely house!
Love the idea of gray shutters on sides of windows. Plant another boxwood on other side to keep symetrical. Add lower growing plants to balance out.
Personally, I think your house screams white picket fence!
I think the shutters are a good choice but I would make them either a dark green to match the bushes or deep gray to accent the roof. Your azaleas need a haircut and so do the boxwoods. I know I have both of these and I have them professionally done every other year. I have had them for over 30 years and they are still going strong. Since you are in a snow zone just as I am I would hesitate on mulch of anykind. I made the mistake of applying it on a sloped area between my peony bushes and what a mess. We used the gardeners cloth underneath and removed all of the grass with plastic before but only down two years and it has to be removed this year because it has all slid down on the slope because of the deep snow we got last year. Let us see the before and AFTER you are done pictures so we can see how beautifully it turned out.
Flowering Shrubs or Bulbs etc.
You could bring in or add some color with shutters and/or the window frames.
Call your planning department and find out what is required in your area. Where I live no permit is needed but I don't live within the city limits.