Asked on Jul 09, 2018

Removing overgrown brush and weeds from a hillside.

by Fol30193675
The slope in front of our home is extremely overgrown with weeds, brush, and vines. What is the best way to remove this and preserve the slope?
  4 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 09, 2018

    That would be a good project to hire a landscape crew to do for you.

    Then to prevent erosion, we would stake burlap and hydroseed with grass. You will need to regularly treat with a broadleaf herbicide like Weed b Gon to prevent the shrubs and vines from coming back and choking the grass out.

  • My vote is to hire a clean up crew as they have the tools and can have it done in a matter of days. Then I would plant some specimen trees that are not invasive and groundcover that spreads to help with erosion. Install drains or borders if necessary.

  • Franklinrawley Franklinrawley on Jul 09, 2018

    is this slope steep? suggest a thorough clearing and then cut into the slope and give it tiers. depending on how much area you have will determine how wide each tier will be, but you could then have areas for landscaping or veggies.

  • Fol30193675 Fol30193675 on Jul 09, 2018

    Thank you for the information.