weeds in bermuda grass, The weeds are up with little purple flowers and etc.
Douglas Hunt on Mar 09, 2012Shirley, check the label on your bag of Image for when you can mow after applying. You want to make sure to give the herbicide time to be effective. Pre-emergents do not work on weeds you can already see; they suppress the germination of seeds.Helpful Reply
Southern Trillium LLC on Mar 09, 2012I believe the weed you are seeing is called Henbit . http://www.ppws.vt.edu/scott/weed_id/lamam.htm Which Image product did you use, as they produce several types? Did you use the one for Nutsedge as the label says it should provide post-emergence control for Henbit, it may just take more time. As to the pre-emergent that you spread, it will have no affect on the current growth of Henbit. Pre-emergent chemicals only provide a chemical barrier to prevent new seeds from germinating. You will need to continue with a pre-emergent application for several years, applied each fall in order to keep the henbit from reappearing. I know Walter Reeves can correct or verify my next statement, but I believe Henbit seeds can remain viable in the soil for several years. This means that a seed can sit for possibly 3 years and still germinate. So you will have to continue with your pre-emergent chemical application each fall to reduce the future growth of Henbit. Pre-emergent applications done in late winter/early spring are to control summer weeds, and most importantly crabgrass.Helpful Reply
360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Mar 09, 2012If you got out to the yard after a rain such as we just had, henbit is amazingly easy to pull out with the roots intact. You will also be ridding yourself of future seeds with some old fashioned hand weed pulling, as well as not spending money and adding more chemicals to the globe. 15 minutes a day if you are a busy person and pretty soon you will have it all pulled out!Helpful Reply
Walter Reeves on Mar 09, 2012Henbit is a great contributor to your "soil seed bank". They can indeed lie in wait for years and will germinate when ready to do so. This is why "early and often" weed control is so important!Helpful Reply
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