Make a Pallet Fence that will cost you nothing

Siff S
by Siff S
4 Hours
Pallets can be found so many places for free. And you can make all kind of great things from them. We have made this from light weight pallets. Here goes: Drill some supporting pallet boards to the walls - like 2 or 3 on top of each other. Drill the first pallet you see on the left of the picture to the supporting boards. Drill the following pallets to the previous. Do the same on the opposite side. If you do not have a wall to fix it on, then find a log that you can put down in the ground to fix it to. On the pallet you will use for a gate place some strong hinges and a lock on the other side. For extra support put some boards or small logs in the front and/or back to keep it solid. Happy hunting and building
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3 of 15 questions
  • Yostraw Yostraw on Mar 01, 2020

    Where do you find free pallets? I can only find ones you have to pay for.

  • Carol Henne Carol Henne on Sep 20, 2020

    Where did you find the free pallets?

  • Mary Walker Mary Walker on Feb 03, 2024

    I am inspired. I have 2 large ( already at 100 lbs) naughty pups that keep running through woods etc. My husband and I have to put a fence up but I'd like it to look nice. It's a pretty large area though..we can get pallets but how does it hold up? I'm really excited this popped up!

    Thanks for sharing


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  • VDRKnoxville VDRKnoxville on May 10, 2021

    Very nice idea! Thank you for sharing it

  • Passportt Passportt on Apr 20, 2022

    I am going to try this idea- I have an area about 15 feet long that has junky stuff sitting there where everyone can see - although the areas junk is going away when the weather breaks there is a zipper storage tent there which the small fence will hide a bit & make it less likely snooped by curious teenagers. My design will be easily removed or moved so as not to lock it in for future changes.
