Backyard Landscaping Secrets

Evergreen Turf
by Evergreen Turf
You don't have to be a professional landscaper to design a beautiful backyard space. Check out these top 5 backyard landscaping secrets that can help turn any backyard into a work of art!
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Create Focal Points: Rather than have a wide-sweeping expanse of grass with nothing else in your yard, try to create focal points to provide structure to your space. For example, a fire pit with outdoor furniture around it.
Hide Your Problem Areas: The backyard is the place to stash extra stuff like garden hoses and AC units. But don't let those eye-sores stress you out! Just cover them up with hedges and storage bins that double as outdoor benches.
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  • Mary Mary on Dec 13, 2015
    Do you have plans for covering the AC units, I really like this idea. Just what I was looking for. Thanks in advance
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  • Shelley Trazkovich, M.D. Shelley Trazkovich, M.D. on Sep 01, 2015
    This is a terrible idea. See all of those events on your AC unit cover? Those are for ventilation, which is essential to the efficiency and functioning of your air-conditioning. You need to keep hedges a couple of feet away from your air-conditioning unit. The pictures are pretty ridiculous too because they show the hedges exactly where the AC units are. Don't forget to keep underbrush, ground cover, and leaves away from your unit as well.
  • Andrea Andrea on Sep 20, 2015
    The reason the hedges are right on top of the units is because they're not living. They're made of essentially the same thing as an artificial Christmas tree and just slip over to hide an eye sore. They can be found at most big box home improvement stores. Personally I think they're just as much of an eye sore as the AC unit. And concerning affecting the efficiency of the unit, I would agree that you don't want to cover those vents.
    • Sharon Depatie Sharon Depatie on May 12, 2017
      Still too obstructive for the ventilating purposes of those vents.. It will seriously shorten the life of the A/C unit or fry it completely. This from my hubby whose business is heating & air.