Building a Backyard Shed/shop

by Angela
As a part of our backyard transformation, my husband had to have a shed/shop! This is a chronicling of that project!
Tons of pictures and more information is available if wanted!
Laying the groundwork
Pouring cement in sections
Full slab poured
Curing the cement
Construction begins!
It's taking shape...
Roofing begins
More roofing
Garage door was installed
An entrance was also added thru the house garage
Slatwall panels were hung to store yard tools away!
Cabinets were built to store tools!
Drop down storage "lifts" tools out of the way!
Front view of "lift away" storage.
Exterior lighting was added
More exterior lighting
Back end of finished shed
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  • Marla Marla on Nov 15, 2014
    I was curious... I can't really tell from the photos but does the edge of the slab where it meets the house have anything separating it from the other slab? Or do they meet together with no barrier? I live in San Antonio, too and will be tackling a similar project soon!