Chipmunks friend or foe?

by Deb
Recently I've noticed chipmunks running around. They're cute and fun to watch. Can I continue to enjoy them? Are there any problems associated with them?

  9 answers
  • Pg Pg on Oct 29, 2017

    They only make a few little holes for nests, and are an endless source of entertainment. I had a friend who constantly fed them peanuts, and they were so cute and fun to watch their interactions.

  • I absolutely adore chipmunks and my girlfriend and I can sit and watch them for hours, they can be very entertaining. She feeds the wild birds and they like to eat the seed the other birds toss out of the feeder. It is so fun to watch them comingle with the squirrels and birds chowing down on the seed. They are wild animals, so use common sense and just let them go about their business. It irks the hell out of me for those that try to "get rid of them" as they are a part of nature and you never mess with Mother Nature.

  • Roxaneg Roxaneg on Oct 29, 2017

    Chipmunks generally just want to go about their business-- collecting food, digging their burrows, making movies. . . . Chipmunks burrow which means that they can leave some holes in your lawn. They also dig out some of your bulbs and stockpile seeds and such that sometimes ends up giving you some surprises in the spring since you didn't plant that sunflower over there and there and. . . .

    Enjoy them. I feed mine as well as the local squirrels because I can do passive things (chicken wire over my bulbs) to discourage them from harming the areas I care about. (I don't have to have the perfect lawn.) By feeding them, yes, I am encouraging them, but I'm also protecting my bulbs because they are less inclined to dig those up.

    They're particularly active this time of year because they're storing up reserves for winter. I had a pair that was in an argument on my front lawn the other day-- I can only assume they weren't going over lines for their next epic film but were discussing where to put the next stash of nuts and dried berries (I feed them well) they were going to bury. (Okay, maybe they were discussing the in-laws visit, but I don't speak the language.) They were animated and reminded me of my Aunt Edna when she was displeased with my Uncle Fred. Then just as quickly as the little argument erupted, it ended and they went about their business.

    Mostly chipmunks are harmless. They can leave you lawn looking a bit chewed up and they can dig up plants and bulbs getting to their stash (or a new entrance for the burrow) but they aren't going to ring your doorbell dressed in disguises and threaten harm if they don't get some sugary treat.

    • Deb Deb on Oct 29, 2017

      I can totally tolerate any holes or tunnels they make in exchange for the entertainment. They are so tiny. Thanks

  • Polly Fuller Polly Fuller on Oct 29, 2017

    they dig holes, rob bird feeders but I love to watch them too. they like to live in brush piles and stacked logs.

    • Deb Deb on Oct 29, 2017

      Good to know. I do have a stack of firewood. Thanks

  • Connie Connie on Oct 29, 2017

    Yes, they sometimes carry rabies etc. Enjoy them but don’t feed or water.

    • Deb Deb on Oct 29, 2017

      I hadn't even thought about rabies. I never get close to them. Haven't even been able to capture a pic, they're so fast. Thanks

  • Sonni Jones Sonni Jones on Oct 29, 2017

    we had a community of "wooley burgers" chipmunks for 20 years thru their generations. Never a problem and wonderful entertainment.......throw out some bird seed and watch the show!

    • Deb Deb on Oct 29, 2017

      That is so cool. I will take your advice and look forward to years to come. Thanks

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Oct 29, 2017

    They are harmless, they like to hide in rocks, they won't eat your plants. We had them at our summer home, and we planted every vegetables just about, and they never touched them. Leave them be, they find their own food and shelter. They aren't attic dwellers. Enjoy them.

    • Deb Deb on Oct 29, 2017

      I do have rocks in the flowerbeds as well as a woodpile and that's where I have seen them. I also have never seen any plant damage. I will continue to enjoy. Thanks

  • Judi Judi on Oct 29, 2017

    If you are trying to grow a garden beware! Otherwise let ten an you have fun watching😀

    Heres a link on how to control or get rid of them.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Oct 29, 2017

    I have some trouble, especially in the spring with the rabbits, squirrels, and chipmunks, but overall they are just such entertainment! I have at least one that I regularly feed with stale nuts, fresh nuts, stale cereal, cookies, they aren't fussy. One has a regular run under my hostas at the edge of the sidewalk. That is where I feed them. If I forget and we are sitting out front, he comes out by where I feed him and he stares at us, if we don't feed him right away he starts scolding us until we get him a treat! He then stuffs his cheeks and disappears under the neighbors front shrubs, which I assume takes him to a hole leading to his house. They love to clean up under the bird feeders. If I have trouble with them trying to dig up or chew bulbs, I bait a mouse trap with peanut butter. It scares them away from that spot for a long time. No, I have never caught a critter, the snap just scares the bejesus out of them. I would never harm one of my "critters", they should enjoy their life like we do. The only thing that I would harm is mice. My chow already takes care of the mole/vole problems on her own at night. We find them on display on the patio just off the back door steps for us to see and get rid of. Enjoy them when they are out running around. My grandfather used to feed them at their cabin. They were so tame that they would crawl up his pant legs to get at the pocket he kept their peanuts in!