How can I get my dog to stop eating dirt out of my containers?
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Put cayenne pepper in the dirt.
Call your vet first, your dog may be lacking a vitamin they may tell you over the phone or request a visit. Good luck.
Yes, a trip to the Vet is on order. There may be something lacking in your dog's diet that the dirt is supplementing. That would be a good place to start your investigation. Blood tests can be done to determine if there is anything wrong.
Put pebbles on the dirt.....also she may need some vitamins sounds like something is lacking in her diet.
Usually dogs are atracted to potting soil because of the ingredients on it like manure, other organic additives, fertilizers.
Good point by Mcs11642921, it reminded me of when we had my ex's German Shepherd, while they were ill. It would eat it's poop in addition to regular meals. I never knew dogs would do that until I caught it in the act.