How do I keep the birds from throwing bird feed all over the ground?

Lisa Johnston
by Lisa Johnston
I have bird feeders and the birds make a mess out of the bird food. I have actually wittinessed them spitting it out of their mouths on the ground. Why are they so messy?icon
  8 answers
  • Bon15649671 Bon15649671 on Jun 20, 2017

    Renember...there are some birds that only eat seed that is on the ground..Doves and Robins. Please leave food on the ground for them.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 20, 2017

    Those fallen seeds also feed other small critters and keep them satisfied so that they may leave the gardens alone.

  • Judy Cope Hoag Judy Cope Hoag on Jun 20, 2017

    There are some bird seeds that use 'filler', stuff the birds won't eat. Make sure to get higher grade bird seed.

  • Barbara Baldwin Barbara Baldwin on Jun 20, 2017

    They aren't messy. They have to spit out the tiny husks. You enjoy feeding birds, you put up with the mess.

  • Mamamia Mamamia on Jun 20, 2017

    this has happened to me and the discarded seed actually germinated. One morning I found a family of rats eating the seeds. It was cute, but Animal Control told me it was illegal to feel wildlife here in Texass. I put out walnuts in the shell before winter and I watched the squirrels bury them in my potted plants. Birds has no table manners but maybe put a nets under the feeder to catch the discards?

    • Linda Linda on Jun 03, 2020

      Animal control is full of it. I feed squerrels and possums and unintentional coons. Spiders butterflys, hummingbirds. I feed deer when camping but just a tiny bit of cob corn. I feed fish. Pigeons. Frogs. Oh and one big guy here at the house. Texan born and raised so no you go ahead and feed them birds and bees and wild critters.

  • Some birds are messier than others. The doves and blackbirds toss the seeds out, and the more timid feed off the ground. I feed a mix of seed amd black oil sunflower seeds, it is a mess, BUT every Spring, Summer and Fall I have beautiful sunflowers that have sprouted and I let them grow. Beautifies the feeder area and provides extra food. If you do not like the mess, stop feeding the birds. I have tumbled gravel or mulch in the areas where the feders are located, less work for me.

  • Lisa Johnston Lisa Johnston on Jun 21, 2017

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. I love my birds, I guess the mother in me kicks in and doesn't want them to waste food😊

  • Ray Ray on Jun 08, 2019

    why do some birds through out feed all the time.