Asked on Jul 11, 2014

Japanese Beetles On My Hibiscus

by Judy4justice
I have 2 very large perennial hibiscus that are in-ground, not in pots. Japanese Beetles have invaded them. Any advice will be appreciated! I have tried soapy water spray, but that didn't get rid of them. I don't mind using chemicals if necessary but don't know what really works.
  14 answers
  • Sharon Kavanagh Sharon Kavanagh on Jul 11, 2014
    I had to use Sevin, it did the trick.
  • Judy4justice Judy4justice on Jul 11, 2014
    Thanks so much,I will try that!!
  • Diana Kiley Diana Kiley on Jul 11, 2014
    be careful with Sevin as it also kills bees which we depend on to pollinate our food!
    • Sharon Kavanagh Sharon Kavanagh on Jul 12, 2014
      @Diana Kiley Really, oh my gosh I did not know that, I have some many bees and know how important they are. I feel terrible. Do you have any other suggestions?
  • Judy4justice Judy4justice on Jul 11, 2014
    I did not know that.My plants are FULL of bees!!Thanks.
  • Kelly Kelly on Jul 11, 2014
    I heard that the best way to repel Japanese Beetles is to squish them and leave them on the plant. Supposedly the scent of the remains wards off other beetles. I've been doing this a couple years and it seems to have worked so far. I can't say if it's true or not, but I did read it online somewhere. I don't do pesticides in my garden so it works for me.
  • Tamie Tamie on Jul 11, 2014
    I just take a mug of soapy water and pick or knock them off into the water. Works like a charm, I have over 20 rose bushes etc. to keep from those lil buggers!! Grrrrrrr..hate them.
  • Judy4justice Judy4justice on Jul 11, 2014
    Thanks Tamie, That is what I have tried to do,but I have only seen a few, yet the leaves are being eaten.
  • Judy4justice Judy4justice on Jul 11, 2014
    Thanks Kelly Jo.I have only seen a couple of them on my Hibiscus but they have eaten the leaves pretty bad in places.
  • Barbara Null Barbara Null on Jul 12, 2014
    we live in wny. and it is a battle.. it's war.. lol we have soooo many it's pathetic.. they eat my roses, my hibiscus and anything else they can attack.. we did not see them in June and thought .. greaattt.. but they showed up in July so I smash them.. lol. the only defense.. I'm out there all the time with my bucket, and we just smash.. only defense..
  • Chris aka monkey Chris aka monkey on Jul 12, 2014
    @Judy4justice they hide under the flowers or in the flowers and will stack themselves 3 or 4 deep little creeps xx if you can't squish a can or bottle with dawn in it will drown them
  • Judy4justice Judy4justice on Jul 12, 2014
    One nursery site actually sells these little machines that you hook to the stem of plants.Cost--$69 No way!It vibrates the plant and is supposed to cause them to leave.I go out and shake mine,LOL
  • Julia Lee Julia Lee on Jul 12, 2014
    To get rid of beetles, you need to get rid of the white grub worms that are in the ground. Buy something for the grubs and beetles are gone. To take care of the beetles that you have now, go to Lowe's and buy beetle bags to hang in trees and bushes. It works also
  • Colleen Walpert Colleen Walpert on Jun 13, 2015
    I really don't suggest the beetle traps. They are baited with a product that will draw the beetles to it. Unless you have some neighbors you really don't like and they will let you put the bag in their yard, you are only increasing your population. You can spray with pyrethrin after dusk and before dawn. After it dries, it will only kill chewing insects, not the bees, butterflies and hummers. Those little sweeties are active during the daytime so the risk to them is minimal but still a risk. Smooshing them works too. One of the beetle's defense is to drop straight down when they feel threatened. If you hold a bucket of water with detergent in it beneath the leaf, the ones you can't smash will drop into the bucket. I have also heard that if you smash some on the plant in the early morning and leave the remains, it will keep others from landing. Something about the smell of the dead bug. I have had marginal success with that idea.
  • B. Enne B. Enne on Jun 13, 2015
    nematodes to prevent reinfestation