What is the best way to keep dogs out of your flower beds?

I do not want to put down chemicals that could harm them, but they love to go thru my hostas and hydrangeas knocking them down and breaking them. Help.

  2 answers
  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jul 17, 2018

    Hi Cena,

    You are one of the many people who are willing to allow their dogs to be dogs. if you train them, you will not have this problem. They have no idea what they are running through and what it means to you.

    Please take the time to train them. If you are not going to do that, then at least put them on a tether to restrict the area they run loose in. Or, fence them into and area where they can function as dogs.

    Take the time to give them what they need other than running amok, take them for a walk. Give positive reinforcement when they do good, they want to please you.

    People are always looking for a solution to deter behavior that comes naturally to animals and not so much for humans to appreciate.

    I do not mean to sound harsh, and if I do I do apologise, but at the end and beginning of the day, they are animals that do not have the understanding you do. It is up yo you.