What's Eating My Flowers, and What Can I Do About It?
Thanks for your help!
Frances on Jul 07, 2013I spray my roses with a spray made for them, but it seems to work on other flowers and bushes here. Also I didn't have any Japanese Beetles the past 2 years.Helpful Reply
Lorrie B on Jul 08, 2013I'm not seeing an Beetles, or any other bugs...Helpful Reply
Peg on Jul 08, 2013Lorrie, have you gone out at night to look for bugs on the plants? Many are nocturnal feeders too.Helpful Reply
Kathleen on Jul 08, 2013Try insecticidal spray. I have something eating my collards, but can't see what, so have to spray after each rain. GrrHelpful Reply
Lorrie B on Jul 08, 2013I'll have to check it tonight and see what I can see...I'd like to try something natural, if anyone has any suggestions?Helpful Reply
Douglas Hunt on Jul 08, 2013A good blast of water is enough to get rid of many garden pests. Your next step up should be a commercial insecticidal soap, which can be organic.Helpful Reply
Debbie Gilroy on Jul 09, 2013earwigsHelpful Reply
Kathleen on Jul 09, 2013I do have earwigs around, so maybe that's it for mine too:(Helpful Reply
Linda Meyer-Kelly on Jul 09, 2013I have the same problem, or should I say HAD! My mom is quite knowledgeable in the garden, she told me to put dish soap in a spray bottle, with water (duh!) spray the plant or flower that is under attack, and WA-LAAA, no more invasion!!Helpful Reply
Peg on Jul 09, 2013earwigs are night time feeders. Control them or they'll do a number on your plants. Check under any pots, boards, bricks or anything lying around the clematis, even under wood chips or mulch, they'll hide there during the daylight hours.Helpful Reply
Raindrop Gutter Guard Systems on Jul 09, 2013This was was happening to one of my pepper plants' leaves. I took the suggestion of making a cayenne pepper spray as a natural insecticide. It has worked so far for the pepper plant, but I'm not sure if it will do the same for flowers and their petals. Check out my profile under the projects or posts for a step by step on how to make it. @Peg could also be on to something with the earwigs, because I have seen those around my garden as well.Helpful Reply
Sharry Speaks Closter on Jul 09, 2013could be earwigs or slugsHelpful Reply
Phyllis on Jul 09, 2013We have been having lots of rain and I notice many slugs on everything, plus I found some tiny green little worm that you hardly see eating on my stuff. I have a hardy hibsicus that are down to just lacy leaves.Helpful Reply
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Raindrop Gutter Guard Systems on Jul 09, 2013@Phyllis as unfortunate that is for you and the plant, that looks pretty cool.Helpful Reply
Ambershanelle on Jul 09, 2013I tried the dish soap+water method, and it bleached my garden plants. (Used regular blue Dawn at dusk.) I also tried the insecticidal soap, and that had the same effect. Plants looked very wilted, bleached, and bugs returned within two or three days. Tried Cayenne Pepper. Tried Cinnamon. Finally bought a pesticide, and now I wished I hadn't. (I didn't think about the fact that my plants need the bees to pollinate the flowers for fruit to grow.) My problem was about a million types of ants, flies, grasshoppers, and small insects. So frustrating as a first year gardener!Helpful Reply
Linda Meyer-Kelly on Jul 09, 2013Ambershanelle, do u think maybe the heat caused the bleaching affect? Cuz I am in Pa., and we have high temps, but in NO WAY as high as TX. Phyllis, this is EXACTLY how my garden looked before the dish soap spray, total difference on the new treated growth.. Try it, couldn't look any worse!!Helpful Reply
Lorrie B on Jul 09, 2013Thanks so much for all the comments, I will try a few of these and let you know!Helpful Reply
Patricia Brining on Jul 10, 2013Water first then spray with dish soap and water mixture= make sure it is soap w/o bleach! The bug guy said that cinnamon repels ants so us could sprinkle the plants with it in a shaker to see if it works!Helpful Reply
Lorrie B on Jul 10, 2013If it ever stops raining, I'm going to try the dish soap, and Cinnamon, I sprinkled cinnamon along my doorway, for earwigs, and they were gone by the next morning! Plus it smelled wonderful every time I opened the doo!Helpful Reply
Phyllis on Jul 10, 2013My aunt used dish soap water to spray her things but she used Ivory DishSoap. I would think that Dawn would be to harsh on your plants! You can use it to wash with when you have been in poison ivy to remove the oil off your skin so that would tell me it would be harsh on your plants.Helpful Reply
Sandra T on Aug 10, 2013this looks like Japanese beatel work to me.Helpful Reply
Phyllis on Aug 10, 2013Peg, I read not long ago in our paper about a Stink Bug that came to the US and started out in PA. It is different from the ones we are use to here. They say they eat up green stuff. I found a whole bunch on the leaves of my hisbiscus and am now wondering if they are also eating them up.Helpful Reply
Bill Croley on Jun 18, 2015Dawn dish soap does not hurt your plants if you dilute it properly and don't spray in the heat of the day. It does a great job also to water your plants with itHelpful Reply
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