How to demolish raised beds in the back yard?

by Jane

How to demolish 3 raised beds in the back yard while saving some of the bulbs and plants? Totally over grown with daisies and need to level and make it into lawn. Do I have to rent a back how or some thing?

  4 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Aug 28, 2018

    Hi Jay,

    It depends on what the raised beds are made of. Could use a Sledgehammer or Pickaxe to demolish walls, but I would suggest you dig it all out first, throwing weeds and saving bulbs and plants. Best wishes.

    • Jane Jane on Aug 28, 2018

      Thanks John It's just wood on the sides and getting that is easy. Need to figure out how to save the bulbs etc in amongst the weeds and a million daisies.And then dig up the beds and level to plant lawn.

  • Jane Jane on Aug 28, 2018

    Forgot to say your idea of digging all I want to keep is a perfect solution. Again thanks!!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Aug 28, 2018

    My pleasure - enjoy the journey.........

  • Grahame Grahame on Aug 28, 2018

    First you will need to take the soil out of the planters, you will need a large sieve to put the soil in and shake it over open soil bags.

    this will catch all your bulbs. Once all solid is bagged up then you can post an add on freecycle stating how many bags of soil you have going free and they will reply and collect them.

    this should leave you with the wood planters, look for screw heads in the wood and unscrew the screws and after all screws are out the planter should pull apart. It should now be all at ground level.

    i am actually looking for the wood for these raised beds, can I ask what are do you live please, I am in Southfields in Wandsworth london

    good luck

    • See 1 previous
    • Grahame Grahame on Aug 29, 2018

      Another less work way is just find the screw head and just loosen them to half way out. To know if a screw is ha of way out IS unscrew a full screw then screw half back in. Then all the other screws, now go back around to unscrew half of what length in in the wood to make the screw head side 3/4 out of the wood and 1/4 in, again all the way round. NOW the wood planters may get wobbly but that’s cool. Lastly slowly take the final end of screw out of one side and that wood you need to push it flat on the ground. Then get a rake or spade and get all the soil out being very carful of the bulbs. You could put the sieve over a large plant pot and put the soil in to the sieve and shake all soil out saving the bulbs. Once the plant pot is full of soil you can start flipping the pot over leaving mounds of soil all over the garden then rake out the soil mounds spreading the soil evenly. This saves bagging them up and waiting for someone to collect.