What is the best sealer to use on a brick planter box?

Debbie Ford
by Debbie Ford

We have a large planter box that is made attached to the house and front porch. We are wanting to seal it but we are not sure what sealer, if any should we use that would still be safe for my plants? We are going to drill holes into it to let moisture out so that I don't get root rot in my plants.

  2 answers
  • What about lining it with landscaping plastic and adding styrofoam packing peanuts for drainage? That way, you don't have to worry about your plants, Debbie!

  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on Aug 02, 2018

    LastiSeal Brick & Masonry Sealer

    • WATERPROOFS - Deep seals porous brick, mortar, and masonry waterproofing it against rain and surface water.
    • REPELS – Sheds surface water, oil, chemicals, spills on smoother surfaces.
    • RESTRICTS - Water vapor transmission.
    • REDUCES - efflorescence and concrete dusting.

    • Debbie Ford Debbie Ford on Aug 06, 2018

      Thank you for the information on LastiSeal Brick and Masonry Sealer. I will let my husband no this idea too.. thank you again.