What is the best way to hang shelves in patio on stucco?

by Pol22233426
I'd like to make a cute shelf (have great ideas thanks to Hometalk!) then hang in my little patio for my small plants!
  4 answers
  • Andrew Bounader Andrew Bounader on Jun 14, 2017

    Hi Pollythurman,

    I'm assuming the Stucco is over masonry or brickwork and not over some other board type material? The reason is it will change my answer to you, so let's assume it's stucco over masonry or render, the best/safest/easiest way is to drill holes using a masonry drill bit - special drill with a hardened tip for drilling masonry and insert either a 'dyna' bolt or a plastic plug to screw the fasteners into, or bolt the fixings to. you need to drill carefully and get the correct size drill for the hole you're making as the hole will be made larger by the drilling action up to 15% bigger.


    And here's a link to a big box store DIY video on how to drill the holes, it's our local hardware supplier but the technique is the same, you should be able to find equivalent items at any good hardware outlet.


    Good Luck.

    Sounds like a great project any chance of uploading some shots of how you get on?


  • Lois fitzgerald Lois fitzgerald on Jun 14, 2017

    You will have to get some concrete screws , drill small holes in the stucco using a concrete bit in the drill and insert the screws. A decorative chain will add a cute touch to hang the shelf with.

  • John John on Jun 14, 2017

    Tapcon screws at Lowes or HD (they should tell you what drill bit to use on the package of tapcon screws). Use a hammer drill with a masonry bit. Using a hammer drill is almost as important a step as all the rest. Most hammer drills have two settings (normal and hammer). To drill effectively through concrete or brick, you need it set to the hammer setting. If you don't have one, your neighbor might. Or a wired one costs about $60.

  • How about skipping all the drilling and just get or make a multi tiered plant stand?