Best color for a sofa in a room with cheap wood paneling?

by PSO
I'm in a rental home with cheap wood paneling in the family room. It has also had beige berber carpet. What color sofa would look best?
  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 13, 2016
    How much light is in the room?
    • PSO PSO on Sep 15, 2016
      The room has a sliding glass door and 1 set of double windows. When the curtains are open there is a good bit of light.
  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Sep 13, 2016
    If you are going to be living there for a while - ask if you can paint the paneling. It would make a huge difference in your life! The sofa does not matter with those colors you are talking about - look for something you like not to go with a house you are just renting.
  • Marm Marm on Sep 14, 2016
    It's hard to say without seeing the actual space or knowing your style but offhand I would say not brown. With wood walls and beige floor adding more brown would make room look dull.
  • Marie Caruana Marie Caruana on Sep 14, 2016
    Paint the paneling if possible.
    • See 1 previous
    • Marie Caruana Marie Caruana on Sep 15, 2016
      Of course with permission from the landlord who would probably be thrilled once she showed him the update she had in mind.
  • Lyn McLaughlin Lyn McLaughlin on Sep 14, 2016
    without dogs or kids, get a sunny yellow. use a print like flowers or paisley that will hide any spots. orange is very in right now too, and a brite cheery shade (NOT rusty) would be a happy choice
  • Lori Lori on Sep 14, 2016
    I agree most any colour would be good except maybe greys. Navy, burgandy, red, all good choices. If you have drapes or curtains you like, pull a colour from them maybe. I just moved into a condo rental, all light, including the wood floors and blinds, a total shock to my usual taste but find I am enjoying the calm clean look. Go slow especially if you will be there for a length of time, it will all work out.
    • See 1 previous
    • Crystal Meyer Griffith Crystal Meyer Griffith on Sep 15, 2016
      You can brighten it up with lots of pillows in bright colors. The navy goes with most everything but is not as stark as a black sofa would be.
  • Estelle Estelle on Sep 14, 2016
    Surprisingly, red is a great color. It kind of takes your mind off the cheap paneling, it goes with lots of colors, and can almost be treated as a neutral. It is a great pop of color.
    • PSO PSO on Sep 15, 2016
      Thank you. I was leaning toward red but wasn't sure.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 15, 2016
    Personally I would not commit to a color you will probably not be able to utilize again. Stick to a neutral shade on the couch and accessorize with colors in the drapes,pillows a throw rug etc.
  • Nnettat Nnettat on Oct 01, 2016
    From what I have from your question and comments, you cannot paint the paneling. Thus furniture choice question. Been there. Walls...get some art work. It'll reduce the amount of panelling seen. Posters do well. Furniture.... a deep, rich color. Rich, deep colors will distract from the bland of wall & carpeting. Select from the rainbow but darken slightly. I suggest staying away from from oranges & yellows though. Royal Turquoise and teal and even Caribbean blue tones would be great. Repurposed wood furniture in turquoise is big now as well as other colors. If this is to your taste, go for it. Just not the same as the furniture. In greens for furniture such as couch/chairs, no Christmas/grass green. Olive to moss tones wouldn't be bad. But the ultimate (IMHO) is red. Maybe not the couch but a chair or two. If over stuffed chair, only one needed. If two chairs are recliners, do the couch. If matching chairs such as club chairs, do both and couch more to the neutral (neutral can also be gray...with beige walls a warm gray) side of things. I once had an overstuffed leather red chair and everyone noticed it and not the near neutral furniture. Gave a pizazz and one item didn't over do it. It wasn't lipstick red (but might have been if I could have found it). Darker red but not a dark red like burgundy, maroon, or anything like that. As someone has already stated, colors you would use in the next place you will live. Just don't make the furniture all the same color, such as all moss green. If kids in household, go for denim for the rough & tough. Denim does come in different colors. Ok. My long windedness is done. I hope I sparked some ideas. :) PS: you can get some paint samples in colors you like and mix and match till you have a couple options to go shopping.
  • Nnettat Nnettat on Oct 01, 2016
    Found your something which can give you some visual sparks. Hope it helps. (If link doesn't work, I type in: Bold color living room furniture. =)