Can you paint the fiber board top to a folding banquet table?
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It is not unfinI shed, it is deliberately designed this way. Cool looking in the store, but in reality stuff gets snagged and crumbs go down in divots.
Yes! Be sure to primer first with Kilz or similar. Alternatively, you can get new formica apply that. If you use a new laminate, don't prime it. Rather use contact adhesive. Apply to both table top and under side of laminate. Then work from the center out with a rubber roller to adhere the two adhesive surfaces. You can lay strips of wood between the layers to help position the laminate because once the layers touch, it's stuck.
You are going to use a tablecloth- so I would not worry about it.
you can try. use an oil based paint. the water based paint may cause the wood fibers to swell. that happened to me a while back.
no, you will have to remove the peeling laminate
We just bought some vinyl material and covered the table. Staples it on underneat.
My brother-in-law, a while back had a table that had the same problem. He ended up finding some Contact paper that looked like wood. He sealed it with poly and it looked amazingly real. There are films now that can applied that look like wood or stone, like this:
Remove the old laminate first!