How do I fix this mess from a gel stripper?

by Ginny

This is the first time I have used this gel stripper to strip paint off wood. It scrapes off like warm gum. the temperature is good and I have now let it sit for several hours. it recommends any where from 30 minutes to 24 hours.

  9 answers
  • J.J J.J on Aug 21, 2019

    Spray again and repeat scraping. I've used these strippers before on an antique nightstand that had multiple layers of paint. You have to keep repeating the he process until it comes clean.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Aug 21, 2019

    I’ve had to use multiple layers before, too. I scraped and sanded between applications. That way, the solution can get to the next layer and into corners and grooves easier. I liked the wood hiding under all that lacquer and built up waxy dirt. Best w! Jewell

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Aug 22, 2019

    Also, can you cover the areas you are stripping with plastic to speed the process up? I agree you must keep going.

    • Laura Dukeminier Bowman Laura Dukeminier Bowman on Aug 22, 2019

      I too put cooking saran wrap over the gel, let stay about 6 hours then used a plastic scraper to scraper. Ince I removed the wrap, it dried quickly so make sure you work fast. When dried, use a clean rag to get any part of that you couldnt scrape. After that yes light sand paper or even steel wool to to get off more. Once you've gotten all you can repeat. I use citrus strip. Very low order.

  • Donna Ohanian Donna Ohanian on Aug 22, 2019

    I’ve used a glove and paper towels to wipe off inside corners before. The more nooks & crannies on a piece of furniture, the harder it is to strip it. A light sanding of the bumpy spots will let you paint it. If you plan to stain, I doubt you will ever get 100% off due to it has spread into every crack.

  • I use gel stripper often and it is messy. You just need to keep repeating the process until everything comes off. I like to use sponges with a soft scrubber side, typically the blue ones, to get into the nooks and crannies. You can also try a wooden skewer to get into the cracks. I like to buy a package at the dollar tree and use the flat end first, if it fits, and if not, I use the pointy end. Keep paper towels handy to clean off the tip of the skewer before moving to another area.

  • Leslie Daniels Leslie Daniels on Aug 22, 2019

    I use Citri strip spray it takes 2 coats usually, Use steel wool to remove in the in the cracks. It doesn't have a toxic smell either

  • Howi Howi on Aug 22, 2019

    Home Dpot or Lowe's has Gel stripper that works well.

    Do as it says and it will work well.

    Good Luck


  • John Biermacher John Biermacher on Aug 22, 2019

    Lot’s of good advice in earlier comments. One technique I have used: cover the floor under the project with an oversized tarp; goop everything up with the stripper; when it is done working but before it is dry cover it generously with wood/planner chips(*); and then rub it in with a gloved hand. Use a stiff brush (not wire) to get it out of the cracks and crevasses. The wood chips absorb the stripper and residue. You will need to do an wash with steel wool and an appropriate solvent ( acetone, mineral spirits, alcohol, and or lacquer thinner) depending on the stripper and the finish. The wood chips are easy to sweep/ scoop up.

    (*) I have a planer so I use planer chips. They are larger in size than sawdust and you can get them from most woodworking shops or can use hamster bedding as long as it is wood. Your can certainly use sawdust but it is more prone to stick in the corners and crevasses.

    • P.A.L. P.A.L. on Aug 23, 2019

      Numerous applications are necessary if you have multiple layers of paint. I found each layer required another application of gel stripper. Wear gloves, use a new plastic or steel putty knife or scraper; use newspapers or old rags to wipe the goo off the tools. Between applications clean your tools with the gel stripper. Nothing's more aggravating then sticky tools and gloves.

      Stripper wash applied with a scrubber pad helps remove residue after paint removal.

  • Nursejnm Nursejnm on Aug 24, 2019

    Citrigel stripper from Lowe's is the best. No odor. Whatever you're using, you need to keep applying. I wipe with mineral spirits and steel wool between coats (after scraping). Good luck.