How to paint Cedar?

What kind of paint can I paint on Cedar to keep the knots from coming through? This is tricky, years ago, my husband converted my closet so I had more shelves. He used partial cedar and used some of the painted wood back up. I was going to paint it but not sure how to so it doesn't look dumb.
  7 answers
  • Prime coat it first then paint. But I would think twice about painting over cedar - people pay good money to put cedar closets in to keep moths away. Who sees the inside of your closets other than your family? If moths are not an issue, prime and paint the entire closet to get the look you are going for. It is your house, you need to be happy every time you go in there. ☺

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 17, 2017

    Just a question why would you paint cedar.Thats is such a beautiful wood

  • William William on May 17, 2017

    I agree with Naomie. Cedar will keep moths away. But if you really want to paint. Seal the knots with a stain blocking primer like Zinsser 123. Let it dry. Then prime all the cedar boards . Then paint with your color.

  • Dot Cain-Gelwick Dot Cain-Gelwick on May 19, 2017

    Thanks for the responses! Note in my question - When my husband re-built the shelves he used part of the old painted shelves and used part of the new cedar he had bought. It's been that way for years and I never minded but when I started cleaning to paint I realized it looked dumb. Because I'm going to be selling my house, now that he has passed away, I was concerned it would hamper a sale. Ultimately, I decided wash the painted surfaces, vacuum the cedar and leave it as it is! After all it is a custom built closet! Oh the joys of widowhood!

  • Sharon Depatie Sharon Depatie on May 21, 2017

    Just a thought. Buy sheets of foam board, measure the shelves, cut & cover the foam board with pretty material(glue or staple on) & lay over the shelves. They look pretty, are easily removed & the cedar is still effective in the closet. A new owner may appreciate them too.

  • Dot Cain-Gelwick Dot Cain-Gelwick on May 21, 2017

    Thanks for the idea! I thought about covering the painted shelves with something but wasn't sure what to use!

  • Michelle Fisher-Wirtz Michelle Fisher-Wirtz on Oct 12, 2017

    i want to paint my cedar closet cause it smells bad and everything you put in there stinks. Is Keils good to seal the closet for the smell?