Metal teacher's desk

by Kathy
What does anyone think I could do with this old metal teacher's desk to make more presentable for a computer desk in the home?
  13 answers
  • Darla Darla on Apr 19, 2015
    Add a hutch or storage shelves on top, and paint the metal part.
  • Jean Thompson Jean Thompson on Apr 19, 2015
    Hutch or wall shelves on either side of the Monitor. With some dark Cork Tiles mounted on some 1/2 inch Plywood and framed in + mounted just above the Top of the Desk= you could make the plywood 2 tiles high, and go the Width of the whole desk- with the Shelves above to use for messages etc.. You could paint the Desk and the Shelves and the wood cork tile Frame all the Same color That would tie it all in like a Office area.. Maybe update the handles on the desk to a dark Rubbed Bronze( could spray paint) ? to make it look richer? same for the Legs of the Desk... and you could spray all the Desk Accessories at the same time to Coordinate them too..
  • Ione H Ione H on Apr 19, 2015
    paint and new drawer pulls, add some wall mount shelves
  • Kathi Church Kathi Church on Apr 19, 2015
    You can paint it, encase the legs with thin wood that go almost all the way to the top, also use the thin wood to edge the top. this will create a pencil stop. Or if you frame the top with the thin wood you can lay glass over the top of the wood edge and lay photos you love beneath the glass. Then go to the hardware store and buy some metal corners that are use for trunks, they are purely ornamental. Change out the handles and paint the entire thing in your style. I also would look at a goodwill or used store for a desk hutch top. If your up for it you could also close in the bottom with used drawers from an old dresser. Best of luck play with it and enjoy.
  • EdiLeck EdiLeck on Apr 19, 2015
    Contact Paper!! It comes in a variety of colors and patterns and is relatively inexpensive. Change the drawer pulls, use automotive chrome polish for the legs and viola! New Desk!
  • Kelly Cabral Kelly Cabral on Apr 19, 2015
    I bought hammered black spray paint and painted my a desk like this for my son. He loves it You could also change out the handles!
  • Lindcurt Lindcurt on Apr 19, 2015
    I like Kelley's suggestion of hammered black spray paint. Find some pretty chrome drawer pulls to match the legs. Leave the top wood grain. It looks fabulous in my mind.
  • Cyvonne Cyvonne on Apr 19, 2015
    good question... I have three in my basement. I am going to use one in the laundry room for a sewing table. Too big to hide in a closet?
  • Kathy Kathy on Apr 20, 2015
    Thank you to all for the wonderful ideas!!!!!!
  • Rosie Walsh Rosie Walsh on Apr 23, 2015
    I love the transformation I've done on a similar desk. Mine is by Steelcase, has a laminate top. I sanded, primed and finished with oil base enamel, chose a soft periwinkle blue. Did it about 6 years ago. Have wear only on the very front edge. Instead of replacing the pulls, I threaded brass wire with multicolored small beads, wound this around the pull and secured the ends of the wire into the holes.
  • Stephanie Steele Decker Stephanie Steele Decker on Feb 24, 2016
    I have one exactly like this and I'm planning on covering the metal with beadboard and trimming it out with 1x2's. It will hopefully be done by next week! I'll let you know how it works out for me!
  • Cathi Fiala Cathi Fiala on May 10, 2020

    I have a desk like this and would like to turn it into a stylish bar for our patio. My husband says it's junk and I say NO! I need ideas because I promised him that he would love it when I'm finished with it.

  • Cathi Fiala Cathi Fiala on May 10, 2020

    Also, this is the first time I've posted on Hometalk so I don't know how to receive the answers! We also have a small bar fridge that could somehow be incorporated into the bar idea. HELP, I need some really funky ideas. Our patio and yard is full of color, mainly violet purple, terracotta orange. Other colors are incorporated into the potted plants on the patio, blues, yellows, reds, purples, creamy beige and white.