Painting brass and porcelain?

by KT
What type of paint can I use to update brass and porcelain hardware like this?
  13 answers
  • CottonwoodMama CottonwoodMama on Jun 22, 2015
    I have had good, lasting results by using spray paints on brass. I sanded and cleaned the metal, used a spray primer, then an oil rubbed bronze spray (rustoleum). I did this to door knobs and register covers and the paint held up really well. I have no tips for the porcelain.
  • Jan Loehr Jan Loehr on Jun 22, 2015
    Yes Rustoleum works great on brass as I have done brass hardware on my chest of drawers in our BR & recently did our front door hardware as well ....but the porcelain is not in my experience. If you only have three of these to change out, if the spray does not work, you could always purchase new ones, as they are not expensive.
    • KT KT on Jun 23, 2015
      @Jan Loehr I have 24 to do, theses are not the exact ones, but they are the same components.... I just didn't want to spend money on new hardware if I could spruce up the old ones..... still not sure what to do.
  • Kelly S Kelly S on Jun 22, 2015
    Sand and then seal it. use Rustoleum for metal. The rust on the metal will rub off and stain your clothes otherwise. I would paint it myself even though I love "rusty".
    • KT KT on Jun 23, 2015
      @Kelly S Mine are not rusty, I'm just not a fan of brass.... hoping to update, inexpensively. Do you mean seal the porcelain? What would you use to do that?
  • Sharon Sharon on Jun 23, 2015
    try chalk paint (I make my own) - I know it will adhere to the brass - think it would to the porcelain. you can distress a little - be sure to wax after it dries to protect
  • Cynthia Hudek Cynthia Hudek on Jun 23, 2015
    Hammerite comes in all the great metal colors and holds up to wear for years!
  • Centrd Centrd on Jun 23, 2015
    "Rub n Buff" is a metallic wax that's made for metals and really holds up once applied. Comes in many different metal finishes that look absolutely like the real thing, because it has real metal in it. But I don't know how it would do on the porcelain. That's trickier. Chalk paint is about the best for adhering to slick surfaces, although you can buy primers made specifically to adhere to plastic, glass, just about anything, then use whatever color paint you want on top of the primer. Just keep in mind, they'll be getting a lot of use, so you want the hardest wearing finish you can get. Rub n Buff is great though for changing the color of metal. You can buy it at various art & craft stores as well as online at Amazon and other places.
  • Laura Laura on Jun 23, 2015
    I painted the same ones but shiny brass instead of antique brass. I used Rust-oleum Universal Hammered Paint & Primer in One (black). I wanted to keep the ceramic white so I first painted it with white glue, then peeled it after the spray paint was dry. They look great and they seem to be holding up in a family with 8 kids. They've only been in use for 6 months. I first soaked all the knobs in diluted orange oil and scrubbed a little. I sanded one and then decided not to sand any of the others. I may do a few more since they were in every room in our house!
  • Dee Dee on Jun 23, 2015
    I have spray painted many a cabinet pull. Rustoleum does a great job. You can use the automotive primer and will never have to worry about it chipping. I also have those type of handles. I tried sanding them down a bit with 200 grit paper, because the paint will not stick to the porcelain. I think there is a porcelain paint at the hobby stores. I know there is glass paint out there. Good luck
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jun 24, 2015
    Some good ideas above. Brass is making a comeback though.
  • KT KT on Jun 24, 2015
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions... I've got lots of options it seems... I think I'll hit up my local hardware store and just see what they have to choose from, if that doesn't work, it's off to the craft store!
  • Alanna Alanna on Jun 24, 2015
    Nail polish of any color on the white part, regular metal paint on the metal part. Make sure it is squeaky clean first though so it all sticks. :)
    • See 3 previous
    • Alanna Alanna on Jun 24, 2015
      @Kelly S Where were you when i needed you? ha ha! If there is a next time, I will follow your advice. :)
  • D Lawless Hardware D Lawless Hardware on Jun 24, 2015
    Rustoleum works very well.
  • Robin Kinnart Robin Kinnart on Jun 24, 2015
    You could also use sharpie markers to color the white porcelain. I did this to two ball pull backs for curtains and they turned out great.