Painting my two herculon upholstery material sofas?

Jo Ann Stidman
by Jo Ann Stidman
These two Simmons sons are from the 70's , reupholstered in the late 90's in the beautiful green/ Southwestern material. I don't care for green and honest they belong to spouse ....not my chose of color. I would keep them if I could lose the green shades and update with more modern colors.....any suggestions?
Green Southwestern herculon upholstery...I use these pillow in winter and beige to try and help this color. Both are Simmons hide a beds. This is the 3 cushions
Same couch just double size with 2 cushions. Everything else in the room is done in beige as I don't like the color GREEN......any suggestions?
  7 answers
  • V Smith V Smith on Dec 30, 2017

    Surefit might have a slipcover you like. Some of their covers have separate cushion covers.

    • Jo Ann Stidman Jo Ann Stidman on Dec 30, 2017

      I thought about that and have used an awesome one on our sofas at another would never guess they were slipcovers.....and again spouse bought green couches that are now slate gray.....but on these two sofas I don't want to lose all the trim or nails trims....has to be over a few hundred....

  • Lsherbach Lsherbach on Dec 30, 2017

    I'm planning on using this technique to refinish a wingsgc chair in my living roon...

    Good luck

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Jan 06, 2018

    I have done several chairs with chalk paint - you use 50/50 water/paint and a water spray bottle to wet down the piece while painting. It took about 4 -6 coats of watered down paint for this piece.

    • See 6 previous
    • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Jan 09, 2018

      No, because you put a wax on it at the end to soften up the material. It is not as soft as the original, by any means though. It feels more like a canvas-type material. I would not want to use it for a chair that I sit in every day, but for occasional use, it is fine.

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Jan 09, 2018

    Simmons furniture is top quality, as I'm sure you know, and, these pieces look VERY good for their age. If they were mine, I would have them reupholstered in a fabric I loved. Let us know what you decide, it would be fun to see pics of your decision.

    • See 1 previous
    • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Jan 10, 2018

      That's a good Idea, if it's a failure you can keep that side hidden! (maybe spouse shouldn't know about it!) haha

  • Cristine Schwartzberg Cristine Schwartzberg on Jan 09, 2018

    If the couch is comfortable and the fabric fits tightly, you can paint the cushions with gesso to turn the patterned fabric pale beige. This technique does not work on pieces where the fabric fits loosely. The gesso is like a heavy paint and it will change the feel of the fabric. I have used it several times on inherited furniture.

    • Jo Ann Stidman Jo Ann Stidman on Jan 09, 2018

      It is a very nice herculo. I think I will try this on the u deride of one of the cushions......see how it goes....I like beige as it goes with everything and this material would look classy in a beige herculo. Thanks for your assistance. Now I need to look up Gesso and see exactly what this is.