How to I paint countertops and keep them from turning yellow?

Donna J
by Donna J

The best technique for painting countertops and keep them from turning yellow?

  6 answers
  • Tuula - Color Me Thrifty Tuula - Color Me Thrifty on Mar 28, 2019

    Hi Donna, When I paint floors and counters I use Stays Clear polyurethane by Benjamin Moore as a top cover after I paint. There's nothing worse than when a white painted wood floor turns yellow. Stays clear does exactly what it says it does and has always worked for me. Ask at your local BM dealer if it's right for your particular project.

  • Lindsay Aratari Lindsay Aratari on Mar 28, 2019

    They sell countertop paint at hardware stores!

  • William William on Mar 28, 2019

    Use a water based polyurethane. At least three coats.

  • Megan Megan on Mar 28, 2019

    I LOVE epoxy for countertops resurfacing. You can check out my guide here!

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  • Deb K Deb K on Mar 31, 2019

    Hi Donna, are they wood or formica? ahere is how I did my formica butcher block a nice solid grey.

    Lightly sand to rough the countertop up

    Go to your paint store, tell them what you are painting, they will pick the proper paint and primer for you, you can even get the primer tinted for a better coverage

    Once you have sanded, clean with TSP, them rinse and dry thoroughly,

    Apply your primer coat, let it dry according to the instructions

    Once the primer coat is dry, apply your paint coat, I would apply 2 or 3 as it will be stronger and thicker

    Once your coats dry, you can apply a matter clear coat, either by spry or roll on, keep a small container of it under your sink for touch ups, I had my counters like this for 12 years, until I could afford new ones.

    I used a few uncolored glass cutting boards for protection. It held up very well. And only costs you the prices of the materials.

    Good luck!

  • The top coat is what will turn yellow. Use a water based top coat for best results. I like polycrylic.