How do I keep paint from wearing away from around cabinet knobs?

Marcia McLane
by Marcia McLane
  5 answers
  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Mar 09, 2019

    Fingernails and constant cleaning is usually the culprit. Change knobs that doesn't require you to touch the cabinet. Usually pulls work better than handles. Or you can add excusion plate behind the handle.

  • John John on Mar 09, 2019

    cut your finger nails or use gloves

  • Tom Stuart Tom Stuart on Mar 09, 2019

    John is right. I have the same problem. I went to Benjamin Moore and got a hard finish enamel paint. Once the cabinets were painted it lasted for several months before the fingernail marks started showing. When it starts bothering me I remove the handle from the offending spot and touch up that area.

    When you replace the handle put Saran Wrap behind it then trim it off. This keeps the handle from sticking and pulling off paint when you remove it.

  • Archie Archie on Mar 10, 2019

    I visited a friend Friday and saw his cabinets have that very issue. I thought they looked like what people pay big money for, distressed. I'd leave them alone.

  • Hi Marcia, use Dixie Belle Paint chalk mineral paint and add Gator Hide for a water repellent finish. Gator Hide will protect the area around the knobs. You can use Gator Hide on the knobs as well!

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