How can I whitewash a beige travertine tile backsplash ?

by Jacbroadus
  3 answers
  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Sep 08, 2018

    Think about it, you can never go back and could effect your resale value. If you must just use thinned down oil based white paint to the transparency you want. Brush it on wipe it off.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Sep 08, 2018

    Hi Jacbroadus,

    I agree with Kelli that it's possible you might affect the resale value on you home if you white was travertine tile. However, where we differ is with the paint. If you're going to do this no matter what, you don't have to use oil paint. You can use watered down latex paint. I used this on another porous stone product. Just brush it on, then go over it with a damp sponge if the color is too white. Do one tile at a time so that it doesn't sink in too fast for you to adjust. That way, at least you can control the color better. Wishing you the best. -Linda

  • Sherri Sherri on Oct 20, 2019

    So, did it work out to white wash the travertine? I want to do the same to my gold travertine. Let us know, please

    • Jamie Jamie on Aug 19, 2020

      I do too on my beige travertine. If so, did it have a beige hue still at all?