How do I stop the pitting on my stainless steel refrigerator?

by Sre4548638

I have a 7 month old Frigidaire brand stainless steel refrigerator and I noticed pitting and rust spots numbering somewhere around 30 or 40. Is there something I can do to eliminate the pitting and protect from any further degradation?

  9 answers
  • Did it come with warranty?

    • See 1 previous
    • Deb K Deb K on May 03, 2024

      Hello, I would try to put some kind of sealer on it to prevent this, and I would provide a review of the product so you can let others know this about this particular model and this problem, it really is unacceptable :( Also mention the lack of warranty coverage and what little help you received from them!

  • Oliva Oliva on Aug 02, 2018

    A 7 month old refrigerator should not be pitting and rusting. Did you contact the place of purchase?

    • Sre4548638 Sre4548638 on Aug 08, 2018

      Yes, it does have a warranty but they said that cosmetic issues are not covered. The place where I purchased told me that this is not an uncommon issue and I should try a product called "Bar Keepers Friend" to remove the rust and polish the stainless steel. I bought some on Amazon and dispite my skepticism it seems to have worked. The rust spots are no longer there and I can't detect and pits. Thanks for replying to my question.

  • Ellen Gregory Ellen Gregory on Aug 03, 2018

    My refrigerator did the same thing. When I contacted the manufacturer, they sent me stainless steel cleaner. It is a powder and it messy to use. That's their idea of honoring the warranty.

    • Sre4548638 Sre4548638 on Aug 08, 2018

      Thanks for replying to my question. I got the same response and tried the powder and it seems to have worked. I never suspected I'd have to deal with rust on a stainless steel appliance, especially since it's only 7 months old.

  • I've always had this problem, and it's starting on my new fridge too. It's so frustrating, right?! I f ound this tip which I shared on my blog. I haven't tried it yet but plan to now that I see the spots.

    • See 1 previous
    • Thanks for sharing that tip -- I have some and will try it.

  • Mike Mike on May 02, 2024

    The reason it shows rust is because Frigidaire makes crap, judging by my experience with their products. What they call "stainless steel" rusts! How come Fridgidaire stainless needs special cleaners? They told me the same thing. It's not stainless steel. On my stove face a magnet grabs onto it hard. Stainless is not magnetic, or very slight if it's a poor grade. See pic of my rusty Frigidaire gas stove. That's what the rust staining turns into with time. They don't cover it either, even though they say it's "stainless steel". Obviously they lied. 😒 . I also have a frost free freezer by them in my Long Island garage (it's May 2nd, not hot here) and it can't maintain temperature! Had another one years ago by Fridgidaire with same issue. Had a Westinghouse frost free freezer... no problems. Also had a chest freezer by Fridgidaire and the plastic inside door liner and door insulation separated from the door! I now stay clear of this brand. 4 strikes, a stove and 3 freezers. Never again. Other brands gave me no issues. I have an old Amana fridge w/ bottom freezer made by Ratheon, an old Whirlpool top load washer, a Whirlpool Gas dryer and a 33 year old Kitchen Aide dishwasher. All of these are well over 30 years old and all work great! All 4 are keepers. Only the 4 Fridgidaire products were trouble. Nuff said. Hope you have better luck. Maybe I was just unlucky with them 4 out of 4 times? Do you think? In all fairness to them, in the 1960's we had a Frigidaire refrigerator/freezer that was very reliable in all aspects. I was better then too. So were a lot of things.

    comment photo
  • Here are some general guidelines to help keep your stainless steel appliances from rusting or corroding: only use mild soap or detergents made specifically for stainless steel to clean your appliances. Examine the ingredient lists of every cleaner you use. Wipe just in the direction of the steel grain and with gentle cloths.

  • Deb K Deb K on May 03, 2024

    Hello, I would contact Frigidaire immediately and get an new one or repair it. This should not be happening on a 7 month old fridge.

  • Betsy Betsy on May 03, 2024

    Hi Sre: Barkeepers Friend is a great solution. You can buy it cheaper at Home Depot than anywhere else! And after cleaning it, I'd apply a wax, like automotive wax on the entire fridge.

    I'd contact the manufacturer and tell them about the problem and ask them to fix it and if they say no, then I'd tell them that I would go on Yelp and social media and let everyone know about the lack of customer care. If the warranty doesn't say anything about the 'not uncommon pitting' issue, I'd also mention small claims court.

    Hope this helps

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 05, 2024

    Clean with a stainless steel cleaner (clear spray or powder)! It is picking up mositure in the air! Other than that, contact supplier of fridge and ask them to investigate and give you solution - Maybe a new Fridge?!