How to disguise a metal brace that will stabilize a table

Angela P
by Angela P
I need to stabilize a wobbly wooden table, and I think I'll use a metal brace. The problem is that it'll show. I need ideas on how to mask it!
  9 answers
  • Lynn King Lynn King on Mar 09, 2016
    A picture of the table would help. Can't you by attaching it to the underside of the table top?
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Mar 09, 2016
    This is difficult to answer without a photo! If this is a valuable piece, take it to a professional. Did the legs come unglued? Is this a small side table or a dining table? Does it just need to have the leg bolts tightened? Or re-glued? Is a piece broken? Braces can become part of the design if carried to all 4 sides. Also, if this is a large table, an "I" beam wooden brace could be used.
  • Sandra Allen Sandra Allen on Mar 09, 2016
    I hide cords in my house with real or faux plants. Works great every time!!
  • Bobbie Littlefield Bobbie Littlefield on Mar 09, 2016
    Have you thought of molding plaster of paris around the metal? Small layers and you can shape them into anything. Be sure to seal them totally. You can also use liquid gold adhesive but it is harder to shape. Decoupe, paint or shape as you think would apply. Cheapest? Vinyl adhesive or colorful duct tape...
  • AnnMariePineo AnnMariePineo on Mar 09, 2016
    I don't know what your using for legs. Is it the kind that you can add a piece of board. My husband make one for his workshop.Is this what your taking about.
  • Suellen Hintz Suellen Hintz on Mar 09, 2016
    Paint it a wonderful color and make it an accessory. Or look for a decorative piece of hardware. Could a shelf bracket work for you?
  • Angela P Angela P on Mar 09, 2016
    The table is my grandmother's old dining room table made of dark wood. The man in my life wants to use a metal L shaped brace to stabilize it.
  • Trudy Trudy on Mar 09, 2016
    Spray paint the metal brace to match the wood before you put it on.
  • Teresa Teresa on Mar 09, 2016
    If its wobbly at the top it the connection and you could see if it un-screw and check the connection if its wobbly at the wood along the leg then its the connection at that junction. If you do use the metal then make sure to pre-drill the hole in the wood or you may make the project in to repairing the leg due to a cracked leg. Hiding the metal just add the same bracket to all the legs so that it looks on purpose. Hope this helps I would love to see what you come up with. Teresa