I cleaner to remove build up on my countertop and it damaged it

by Jan

Is there any way to clean this marble countertop left with white circles on stone. I used a lime away😪

  17 answers
  • B. Enne B. Enne on Nov 10, 2016
    I don't own marble, but did a search for you. Maybe the following would help? http://www.howtocleanstuff.net/how-to-remove-acid-stains-from-marble/ http://www.countertopspecialty.com/remove-vinegar-stain-on-marble-countertop.html http://www.myoldhouseonline.com/profiles/blogs/how-to-remove-acid-stains-from-marble
  • Julia Angleworm Julia Angleworm on Nov 10, 2016
    Lemon oil, the old English furniture polish.it may take more than once,on your marble use the dark colored. Walnut Oil be patient it works!Rub some in every time you dry your counter.
  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Nov 10, 2016
    You have to be careful of what kind of marble you have. Natural marble is poreous and easy to stain. Cultured marble requires different handling. Read here: https://household-tips.thefuntimesguide.com/r...
  • William William on Nov 11, 2016
    Marble is basically compressed limestone. Any acidic cleaners will etch, dull and stain the surface, including vinegar, citrus cleaners, and lime/calcium cleaners. ***** If you are trying to remove an old stain, create a dense paste of more baking soda an less water. Then place the paste over the stain, allowing it to function for a few minutes. After that wipe off the baking soda paste. If it is needed you can repeat the procedure until the stain vanishes. ***** If the stain is persistent and is still there you can try removing it with ammonia solution. Make the area of the stain damp with 10% ammonia, diluted in water. Ammonia is knows as a base solution, which can neutralize acid, so it is suitable for removing acid stains from marble. ***** The final stage of the stain removal us rinsing. Rinse the solution from your marble well to eliminate any residue, left from the cleaning ingredients on it. ***** I advise to use gloves when removing the acid stain with ammonia. They will protect your hands. Ventilate the room, in which you use ammonia for removing stains, because it is toxic. *****
    • Connie Connie on Nov 11, 2016
      I used to work at a stone company with a showroom and this is the method we suggested then.
  • V Smith V Smith on Nov 11, 2016
    Just jumping in here. The surface is damaged and I don't know of any chemical that can undo the damage. But you may be able to "polish" it using a very fine grain of automotive sand paper. I'm referring to the abrasive that would be used beteen coats of paint on an automobile. It is very fine and could polish the stone but it will take time and elbow grease and many sheets of abrasive. Also you will need to protect your faucets if you leave them in place.
  • Jan Jan on Nov 11, 2016
    I tried several things, baking soda, didn't work I tried stone polish left on over night, looks much better
  • Jer7506110 Jer7506110 on Nov 12, 2016
    FYI. I use Murphy s oil soap to clean all my travertine and granite. It keeps it sealed and looking great.
  • Chrys Marco Chrys Marco on Nov 13, 2016
    A new product called Rustoleum Recolor looks to be really good. The infomercial showed it being used on several types of finishes. I didn't catch the ph. #, but I will definitely hunt it down. Looks too good to just pass up.
  • Leisa Yeager Leisa Yeager on Nov 13, 2016
    Marble is has many pores so use olive oil soak over night so it will soak in the stained areas...
  • ELISA LENZ ELISA LENZ on Nov 13, 2016
    I have a whole house water softener and still get residue around the faucets and on shower doors. You may think I'm crazy but I tried using Miceller cleansing water on my black granite bathroom counters and it cleaned it off...really. All around the faucets and spout. I only use miceller water to clean my face (spent time in France) and I just rubbed the surface of the counter top with the cotton pad and it removed that whitish hard crust. So, there's two things for you to try miceller water on your face and on the counter top.
  • Thenne1713 Thenne1713 on Nov 14, 2016
    Powdered white chalk is the recommended way to clean marble, wash w/ baking soda first to neutralize acid of limeaway
  • Bai11340945 Bai11340945 on Nov 14, 2016
    From the picture, I don't know if this can be restored. Can it be 'ruined' everywhere else, so it looks like it was meant to be that way (giggle!, a little; I've done it...). Just a thought
  • Umm13731787 Umm13731787 on Nov 15, 2016
    I have good luck with Magic Sponge and water
  • Bombshell Bombshell on Nov 15, 2016
    I would try baking soda with a drop of olive or coconut oil. Scrub the area with a hard toothbrush or nail cleaning brush. Good luck! For anyone wanting to remove the calcium or lime buildup, try soaking a paper towel in white vinegar. Place it over the affected area and leave it over night. You should be able to simply wipe it away after that.
  • Ag Castor Ag Castor on Nov 15, 2016
    Rottenstone (ask at the hardware store), add water to make a paste. Try on an inconspicuous place first to make sure it's what you want.
  • Shawna Bailey Shawna Bailey on Dec 02, 2016

    Super curios to know what you tried and if it worked.

    Let us know!