Question about repairing my baseboards at bottom of kitchen cabinets..

by Lin29385212
I would like to repair my baseboards st bottom of my kitchen cabinets- The baseboards if my kitchen cabinets need to be replaced. Can I just cover them with a type of wall paper border instead of Replacing the wood??

  5 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 04, 2018

    Hi Lin, Yes you could, but will it stand the wear? Maybe try using Contact in a wood finish or a contrast.........Or you could overlay original with a lamanite. good luck........

  • Kim Kim on Jul 04, 2018

    I don’t believe wallpaper border will hold up very long. It’s not hard to put Baseboard moulding around cabinets with a miter box.

    If your cabinets overhang the base, you can just screw the new wood on top of the old.

    Measure the existing wood trim height to figure out the width of your new trim. (Take the measurements at several spots and use the smallest one.) You will want to measure the length of your baseboard and add a little extra.

    To join your pieces at the corners, use a 45°angle with your cabinet length measurement being used on the unfinished side of the wood trim. Inside corners are longer on the unfinished side and outside corners are longer on the finished side of the trim.

    Painters caulk fills in any gaps, screw holes, and bottom edge. Then paint and you are done!

    I hope that made sense!


  • William William on Jul 04, 2018

    The wood in the kick space of kitchen cabinets is part of the cabinet structure. Your best bet would be get thin wood planks or cut your own a glue/nail them in place. Paint or stain. Wallpaper or contact paper won't last long.

  • Janice Janice on Jul 04, 2018

    There is also vinyl baseboard trim available in colors similar to cabinets at your home improvement stores. It can be cut with heavy duty shears and glued onto the cabinet base after removing what is there now....or, if it is not in too bad of shape, just glued over what's there.

  • Christina Kloman Christina Kloman on Feb 21, 2020

    Should the baseboards touch the bottom cabinets? Or is there supposed to be a half inch gap between them?