Tips for repairing brick steps?

by Sandy
I need to repair the mortar between the brick. Is there an easy way to repair without taking the bricks out?
  4 answers
  • Tami Tami on Jun 22, 2018

    Buy a bag of mortar and pour (dry) over the cracks and gaps spray with water and let sit till dry. Use a broom to sweep away excess mortar after it's dry.

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Jun 22, 2018

    Quikrite makes a premixed concrete in a bottle that you can squirt in the gaps and let dry.

    comment photo
  • Sandy Sandy on Jun 22, 2018

    Thank you so very much!!

  • William William on Jul 10, 2018

    Don't pour dry mortar in the joints like Ima suggests. It work work. The bricks need to be cemented to each other. The crack filler Sandy suggests is used to fill cracks in concrete not mortar joints. What you need to do is remove any loose mortar out of the joints. Use a shop vacuum cleaner. Mix up some mortar mix. Use a small trowel or putty knife and force the mortar into the joints until no more will go in. Use a dowel, pencil, pen to smooth the joints. A stiff brush to remove remove any mortar that got on the bricks.