How do I fix a seal in my bathroom vanity?
ikea bathroom vanity and the seal ring around the drain that connects to the sink has separated. What is the best way to reseal it?
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Hi Laurel, i think you can just buy a new seal and install it
dry the area and use silicone caulk. it should hold until you can get a plumber or internet instructions, instructables maybe, this old house, a posibility
I never seen a sink drain hook up as that. Whoever did the plumbing did it totally wrong.
Does IKEA have parts for this? I have a very similar set up. Maybe they’ll have a suggestion if you call them.
Dee, has nothing to do with codes. Sink drains are not regulated. There's a right way and a wrong way. That plumbing is just wrong.
I totally agree with William. It needs the tailpiece and the p trap. But I looked over on IKEA and picked a sink
this may not be the exact sink, check IKEA and pick the exact one for the directions. If you look at picture 6 it shows the exact type pipe to sink connection. I’m thinking the key is the key! If under tightened, it will leak. If it’s possible to over tighten it will leak(I don’t suspect this, but anything is possible). It may be that things are offset a bit. You may simply need to replace the gasket. Try your local hardware store. I still would install the trap. It does two things - can possibly catch something small like a ring and keeps sewer gasses from coming up through the sink. That’s #7 on this particular sink link.
I'm in with William and Elaine - this set up has not been installed correctly.
It has to do with plumbing functioning properly, not anything to do with what country the sink is in.
I have never seen a set up like this before. I would listen to William on this.
The local hardware stores sell seals for replacement.