How do you up the water pressure in the house

by Chief
Water pressure used to be pretty strong in the house, work was done on the street lines and now the water pressure is very little!

  4 answers
  • Sue32305459 Sue32305459 on Jan 09, 2018

    Contact your local water company and have them come back and turn it back up

  • Pat Russell Pat Russell on Jan 09, 2018

    I'd get with the City/Water or whoever was responsible for the street line work and complain; also check with neighbors, it could be wider spread than just your house. If you have a plumber you trust, check with him/them, but don't spend money until you can see if others are affeected - might get some help there.

  • Dfm Dfm on Jan 09, 2018

    call your utilities provider. let them know of the pressure issue..there may be a main line leaking.

  • Abel Baker Abel Baker on Jan 09, 2018

    Another possibility is that rocks/sediment are causing a clog in the line going to your house. It's also possible that it is your pressure regulator. It is usually installed where the line first enters the home. It could be clogged or simply bad. Replacing it is a cinch. But I would definitely call the water company first and ask that a workman come test the pressure and see if it is consistent with your neighbors'. He can also determine on which side of your pressure regulator the problem is. Then ask your neighbors about their pressure. Although less likely, the water company may have installed pipes, devices, etc. that reduce the pressure.