How do I replace a flapper flush valve with a mansfield flush valve?

James Ginas
by James Ginas

Is it easy enough to REPLACE a FLAPPER Flush Valve with a Mansfield Flush Valve?

  4 answers
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Dec 01, 2018

    I have never found a toilet flapper that is that hard to replace. What is really frustrating is not being able to replace one because the toilet is so old that they no longer are available, been there done that last spring in the basement bathroom.

  • William William on Dec 01, 2018

    You can replace a Mansfield with a flapper but not vice versa. Most people are having problems with the Mansfield so they replace it with a flapper valve.

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Dec 02, 2018

    Follow the simple instructions on the package.

    • James Ginas James Ginas on Dec 03, 2018

      Yes, thank you Ken. my initial thought was replace the flapper with the Mansfield Flush Valve, being two of my toilets have those and don't leak, knocking wood!!!! but wasn't sure that was feasible based on the lack of YOUTUBE videos to do SPECIFICALLY that. Wondering if changing out the flappr itself is smarter thing to do and doesn't involve taking the tank apart. I know calling a plumber to ask that same question, means they come to the house to look, and charge me for the visit, vice asking Pros on this site if it made sense. I can and have changed out my toilet Fill and Flush valves and all, but before I go through any of that again, just want to confirm what makes most sense.

  • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on Dec 21, 2018

    Done.. Just replaced the Flapper and Seal. SO the intent of Hire a Professional.... he did two toilets and forgot to put a seal down for the flapper to sit in. I replaced the flapper and put the seal on and it seems to work fine! Thanks all for the help!!