Well water orange with iron how toilet tanks turning black inside
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Oh geez, this brings back horrible flash backs to when we had well water in our first house. We purchased a heavy duty water softener that removed almost everything. I had to rewash pretty much everything that had white with iron out to get the stains out because everything was literally dyed that color. We even had one issue where something somehow got into the well and stirred up all of the sediment which was another mess.
If I were you, I would put the water softener back in and give everything a good cleaning with bar keeper's friend, zud, the works or anything that has some oxalic acid to clean up the stains without breaking your arm. Good luck!
Thanks so so keep iron filter and add softner
You can change out the anode rod in the hot water tank to an aluminum one to get rid of the rotten egg smell.
Personally, I'd call the city, then contact ODNR.(Ohio dept of natural resources) I had a similar situation when I lived in NE Ohio- my well became contaminated from unmapped old mine shafts. Same characteristics, smell, color, and skin issues. ODNR can determine if this is from the fracking, and if so, someone needs to drill you a new deeper well.
Check with any neighbors and see if they have similar issues. Strength in numbers...
Good Luck! I hope it works out for you. It did for me, and my new well was wonderful.
If you cant read this, I’ll retype it. I’m having trouble get anything to post.
great article here! I’m down river, AHHHHH-gain!
We also have the iron in the water and have had for years. A very high end expensive water softener will solve it. The water has been tested and it would be safe to drink, however, tastes horrible. We have cattle, pigs, rabbits and they seem to do fine on it. As for the iron in the tank, it works to add some "Works" to the tank periodically as well as using it to clean the toilet bowl. We do not use it to drink, however, it will cure really bad warts if you can stand to drink. Have had 3 people get rid of serious large warts after drinking 2 gallons of this water.
Just keep after it, save money for the expensive top of the line softener.
We had to have the anode rod cut out. Made everything taste disgusting and everything was orange and the house stunk constantly. It always an $80 fix
I cannot stress enough that water softeners DO NOT remove heavy metals!
1st have your water tested!
We have egg smelling well water and it is safe, but we did try bleach and bromide and it turned everything orange and black, quite messing with those. Now I just filter the drinking water for taste and have gotten used to the smell when I shower. We have lived here for 20 yrs now with no ill effects.
It all depends on where you live.
You need to have both connected. A water softener and an iron filter. Hope Wiiliams is correct on all counts.
Iron is one thing, dig up the pipes and replace them and boil your water but black oil!! That is a fracking situation and dont drink/ use that water. Is your water flammable? That is another fact of fracking. Class action suit against the fracking company if others around you had good water before the fracking was done. Test the well via the EPA is correct. I think moving is a must if you can afford it until this is all . a deeper well would be costly and still be contaminated now or in the near future. Good luck!!
Is this a private well? Is this the first sign of any colors since 1967? You should annually test your well water. There's even DIY kits so you can do it at home. There's no law that says you need to, but you should. You can also call the health department. I love wells! Wells are generally considered the safest water supply for a house. Most people think of wells as gross, when in fact they are far superior because well water is full of minerals and isn't treated with harsh chemicals like the city water. If you see how city water is pulled from rivers and lakes and treated, you'd take the stains in your toilet. Also, those colors in your toilet tank and the egg smell is normal. I'm surprised if you haven't noticed them before. The elements that dissolve in the water make those stains in your toilet tank when the water sits. Testing the water yourself will give you quick answers and if you're worried about the fracking, call the health department, because they'll test the water in a lab. Good Luck!