How do I cover the edges of a cracked mirror?
I have a mirror tall and slender that has beveled edges and one side has chips out around the edging and I don’t know how or what to make a frame with to cover it. Please give me advice 😊 my house is traditional with dark rich woods and antique brass
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Hi Renae,
You can use regular wood you get at the hardware store to cover it. Here is a tutorial I did on how to Frame a Large Mirror.
You can glue sea shells or drift wood on it like a frame or any other item you prefer.
I would use some Emory cloth to knock down any sharp edges first.
Here's easy frame to make(cut to what ever size your mirror is) just stain it or paint it black to better match your own decor
How to Frame Your Builder Grade Mirror
Hi Renae, you can build a no miter frame for it and stain it dark like the rest of your wood,
You might apply some decorative gems or flat marbles (available at the $Tree) to the edges so the chips aren't visible. E-600 glue works great for adhering plastic or glass to glass. Just follow the instruction by allowing both the glue applied to the mirror and to the decor to dry just a bit befoe joining each to each.
There are all sorts of great ideas here on Hometalk about applying things to mirrors so try the search bar at the top left. Depending on the size and shape, you could use a thrifted frame or build a frame around it.
Ccover the edges with gaffer tape and then proceed to make a timber frame that will cover it.