How can I remove static from blankets on beds?
What is best way to get static out of blanket without having to take back off the bed to put in dryer?
Best static remover!
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Your Bounce sheets are the easiest and best bet to bet rid of static. If you can tie or use an elastic band to put a couple of sheets on a rolling pin and run it up and down the blanket it may help.
Putting it back in the dryer will cause more static. A damp washcloth will also work. Run it under hot hot tap water and wipe over the blanket. Hot the water the faster it will evaporate. Or run a humidifier.
Static gard , used to come in a spray can near or in the laundry isle.
If you have a wire (not plastic coated) clothes hanger, you can rub the fabric and it will remove the static cling. This also works on clothing and is good for anyone who has sensitivities to chemicals or scents
It might be caused by low humidity in your house. I live in an apartment complex and we are not allowed to have humidifiers because they cause frost on the windows in the winter. I've just learned to live with the static, as much as I hate it, but, I'd rather keep my landlord happy.
Due to the low humidity in your home during the winter, there is more static in the house. I would either spray the blanket with static guard, found in most grocery stores, or take Bounce sheets and rub them over your blankets. A humidifier in your bedroom would also solve your problem.
In my working days, I rubbed a wooden pencil between my skirt and slip or pants and hose to eliminate static. Worked!
A bowl of hot water on pebbles will raise your humidity level, as well, but it is very important to regularly change out the water, if needed.
Alternatively, hanging plants in your bedroom will raise humidity. Check for those plants best suited for bedrooms, which absorb formaldehyde, etc. in the home.