Garage Door Molding Repair

by T D

DH pulled in a bit too close to the side of the garage. When he backed up to change direction the wood trim along the door opening split...should see the vehicle (LOL)... Liquid Nails has been a neighborly suggestion to repair it but I would appreciate input from the HT community. Can someone help with how to fix this broken door frame in the garage? Thanks all.

garage door frame
close up
  4 answers
  • Leslie D Leslie D on Jun 17, 2012
    Since it's just the trim and not a structural thing, liquid nails should work fine. You just need to clamp it to pull it tight, sand, wood filler to cover crack and repaint.
  • I would use a good quality wood carpenters glue. Squeeze it into the crack even if you need to pry it apart a bit to do it. A small paint brush works well to get the glue into the crack. Then as Leslie said you need to use a small bar clamp that will reach across both sides and clamp it tight. Some glue will come out, that is ok. It tells you that you have enough glue in the crack. Once dry sand and paint. If need be, you can putty any gaps that remain. No clamps? Then using some small screws drill some small pilot holes on the edge of the wood so it does not split and once glued screw the two sections back together again. Once dry you can remove the screws or simply putty and paint over them.
  • Get some MaxFlex caulk at the local Sherwin Williams, apply some into the crack, drive a couple of thin brads/finish nails into the face of it, smooth over the caulk in the crack, spot prime rough wood and repaint with white semi-gloss...easy fix
  • T D T D on Jun 21, 2012
    Thanks everyone. Now I feel better. The "Honey-Do" list further expands!