How do I repair a scratch on frosted glass?
How do I remove scratches from glass that's frosted?
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This site has some good info @ ; "...there is a product called Gallery Glass at craft stores like Michael's or Hobby Lobby. One of the many varieties and colors of GG is one that is Frosted Glass. You might use a small paintbrush to fill in the scratch. I would dab it on, rather than stroking it on. Wait till it dries to decide if you need to reapply another coat.
Depending on the type of frosting, you could mask it off and give a coat of Rustoleum or Krylone spray frosting. Or you could mask off and get some etching cream to frost it.
Hi Kim. I did some reading so that I could answer your question properly. Most of what I read said that it cannot be fixed. DO NOT try to rub it with toothpaste, as that might remove the frosted glass and make it worse. Out of all the several places that I read there was one that said to try using de-natured 100% pure acetone and a soft cloth. But all others said that it cannot be fixed and trying to remove the scratch could make it much worse. Sorry, I wish I had better news for you.