How to remove rust from exterior door hinges without removing them?
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try an sos pad
try wd40 sprayed on & balled up aluminum foil to rub that in & onto the hinges
rub wd o4 on the rust
Rust converter spray "paint". Goes on clear and turns black. Rust won't return. Be sure to mask of the places you don't want it. WD40 is one of my favorite products and a staple in my workshop, but I always use dry graphite or spray silicone lubricant on hinges. Wet lubricants collect dust and gum up over time. Remember that paint doesn't stick to silicone, so mask that off, too.
Vinegar and a steel wool pad or Naval Jelly (follow directions) will remove the rust.... BUT it is important to seal the metal away from moister as soon as you can... mask around the hinge and use a paint or sealer like Rustoleum.
I think I made my answer confusing. The rust converter turns black on its own. The benefit is that is actually converts the rust to a different kind of substance and it won't come back on the treated area.
WD-40 0r Wire Wool.
Have you tried steel wool, coarse enough to remove the rust.
You could try a paste of baking soda and water, let it sit for a half hour then scrub off.
I'd use a soft cloth and a bit of WD-40 to clean the hinges.