What can I do about too much play on outside doors?

by Djw6584065
Our outside doors have so much play that the flys are coming in at the space on the top. I have tightened the slide in the plate but it just gets loose again. What else can I try? Thanking in advance.
  3 answers
  • William William on May 26, 2016
    I don't understand what you mean by "the slide in the plate"! Can you post some photos?
  • Cathy Graham Cathy Graham on May 26, 2016
    I would try weather stripping. It is adhesive and comes in various thickness and widths. If that is not an option you could put thicker and longer screws in the hinges if they are stripped. I have even filled the holes with wood putty and put the screws in. As far as the plate side it may need the adjustment of up and down, not necessarily tightened. Good Luck
  • Suellen Hintz Suellen Hintz on May 27, 2016
    Weatherstrip the entire door. For screw repairs that don't last, remove the screw and insert a wooden match or toothpick coated with wood glue. Let the glue dry, then reinsert the screw again; this repair should hold. Now for the flies...fill a baggie with water and thumbtack it to the wood over your door, low enough to hang over the opening, on the side that won't allow it to interfere with the operation of the door. Sounds crazy but it really reduces the # of flies that will enter your house.