Any ideas for clear plastic containers that cheese balls come in?
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Spray paint the whole outside in a background color you like. Using painters tape, tear pieces off and randomly place them all over. The edges should be jagged. Place as many as you want, wherever you want. Then spray paint the next color, cover entirely. After it is completely dry, carefully peel the tape pieces off. Clear coat to finish it off.
you can cover with a fun patterned contact paper and use for storage for your grandchildren or for yourself.
pretty contact paper for outside decor band....Dollar Store
I use mine for dry pet food, fertilizer, dog treats, even large quantities of extra flour or sugar. They make great containers for kids building blocks and small toys, beach toys, etc. I even drill holes in the bottom and use them to cover frost sensitive plants in my garden when necessary.
Are you a knitter or crocheter? If so they are great for holding a skein of yarn. Simply cut a hole in the lid to feed the yarn through.
I took a bunch of my cat treat boxes to a rehab center I attend. We used Mod Podge and pieces of pretty paper to cover the boxes. They can be used for storage of small items or planters.
terrarium or goldfish tank
I use mine to hold my dog biscuits and chew treats in to keep them fresh! You could also use them to store dry goods in like flour, pasta, cereal, etc. in your pantry! Would make good storage for your grandchildren's smaller toys and keep them off the floor when not being played with.
I wish I were.... but thank you.
You can use these to put toys in that have lots of little legos. I also think you could fill it with something (like ping pong balls or candy) and have them guess how many are inside...then count them together!
Toy box, and fish tank are great ideas. Also, giant junk drawer, cords, blankets, sheets, rags, towels... Use empty peanut butter jars for clothes pin holders, leftovers, batteries, knives, forks, spoons, snacks, rolls of tape and glue, nail polish, yarn, thread, spare change, nuts, bolts, screwdrivers, wrenches, nails, pens, pencils, markers. You get the idea... For something that's free, they're amazing. They keep dust off of everything, they're unbreakable, airtight, and keep everything fresh, and in view.
Hello they might make an interesting toss game....smaller felt beanbags or other child friendly tossing items.