How can I use restaurant tables as bedside tables?

Got 2 old restaurant tables and cgairs for free.....square ...seats 2.
I need bedside tables but they're a bit high....
  3 answers
  • Judy Ferrell Judy Ferrell on May 21, 2017

    Can you cut down the legs? Or take the top of the tables and attach to the seats of the chairs?

  • I have 2 tables that were originally cocktail tables in a bar that I now use as end tables, but did use as bedside tables at one time. My bed is extra high so they worked for me. If possible, have them cut down. I would also suggest using them as they are for awhile, you just may like it once you start using them.

  • Stephanie Dakis Stephanie Dakis on Jun 01, 2017

    Maybe cut down the legs....paint it to match and attached mirrors with brackets so they look like they belong in the the same color to the chairs and you have a little vanity set