What can I do with the empty cans of wafer cookies?
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I've got quite a collection of these. They are pretty sturdy plastic, either green or opaque clear. I can recycle them but I keep thinking someone more imaginativ... See more
Definitely good for a lot of things
There are so many fun things you can do with them! I'm glad you saved them!
Here are some ideas from Hometalkers-
You can poke holes and turn them into lanterns http://www.hometalk.com/diy/decorate/rooms/tin-can-lanterns-in-10-minutes--21122744Use them for silverware caddy- http://www.hometalk.com/diy/organize/kitchen/upcycled-utensil-caddy-from-a-plant-stand-and-tin-cans-3410705
Or planters http://www.hometalk.com/diy/upcycle/soup-can-planters-1318507
Tin Can Lanterns in 10 Minutes!
Upcycled Utensil Caddy From A Plant Stand and Tin Cans
Soup Can Planters
If you have kids would make great piggy banks and encourage saving change. Everyone in my family has a change collected container and it can really add up by end of the year to by yourself or others a nice gift,but for kids to take to bank and deposit into their account. Children should be taught to save up and not have debt. It's never to late. Or make a time capsule with kids and decide on a date that you will all open it and have them save some of this times moments so they can see how ridiculously we live since things change so quickly. Computers without cd/DVD slots who would have thought. To make it lighter weight. Heck I'm not that old but old enough to have had a colorless tv. I remember when I pods were coming out it was on Oprah's favorite things. But see how much fun that would be. I don't expect them to put theirs in the container but a photo of the history off of the Internet would sufic.
I store wrapped candy's in mine.
My kitchen is a vintage red and white theme with cherry accents. I spray painted the outside red with white lids and white with red lids and I use them to store dry goods in like rice and grits in. I also painted a chalk paint label on them so I can change out what's stored in them. I love these cans.
I use them to store different sizes of Band-Aids and ointments in my first aid kit. I just wrote on the lid with marker.
maybe a teacher would like them for a class project.
I use them for gifts . I paint with spray paint or chalk paint . Or use glue and cover them with fabric and seal . Then the gift is even better because they can use the container the gift came in as well.
Great idea, I am going to try it today! Thanks.
I sort my marbles, and bits of broken china and pottery in them and just use a marker to write on them. Each can will hold one broken up plate, or a couple cups and saucers....I use empty coffee cans for the solid colors that I have more of And for tools and to stand my glue/caulk gun in to keep it handy.
Paint and group them to hold small items.
50 Ideas for Upcycling Tin Cans Into Beautiful Household Items!
Hi Colleen, hope this inspires you.
Great for a kids craft room. They can hold all their supplies and help keep stuff organized.
Cover with Sticky backed plastic and use for storage - office or crafts or kitchen/bathroom.
Make little lanterns
Keep flower seeds in them, you could label the flower types with pictures of them.