I need ideas for a valance for my vertical blinds.

Arlas Dixon
by Arlas Dixon
New paint job required removal of old "scarf " I'm in need of new ideas for a valance for my vertical blinds.
  11 answers
  • Shoshana Shoshana on Aug 10, 2017

    You can drape a complimentary color across a curtain rod. Something like this

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  • Tammy Jones Tammy Jones on Aug 10, 2017

    Vertical blinds can sometimes date your home and darken it. There are some cool fabric ones that you can purchase online from bed bath and beyond, and you can get matching valance with them. or you can slide or remove them and let the sunlight in, huge windows are beautiful ... but here are a couple of option for you to consider.

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  • Tammy Jones Tammy Jones on Aug 10, 2017

    I love a curtain that allows the sunlight in. This is very chic, but I have not a clue what your decor looks like. However IKEA sell this style curtain they are super long panels for like $19 and you can hang them from the ceiling to the floor. If you don't have an ikea near you, go online to www.ikea.com

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  • Mic6278795 Mic6278795 on Aug 10, 2017

    Check out this video on you tube. You can do it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScNihbvjJtQ

  • While some feel vertical blinds date or darken a home, sometimes it is a necessary feature. At my house one side is subject to extreme heat. I have vertical blinds a dual rod with sheers and curtains. During the heat of the day it helps tremendously to keep the house cooler in 100°+ temps. How about a wood or fabric cornice? You have some great options here. Attaching links for more.




    • B. Enne B. Enne on Aug 10, 2017

      Also, in some buildings, and condo complexes, you are not allowed to remove them, because it changes the uniform look from the outside.

  • Lindy Lindy on Aug 10, 2017

    I'm on the side of the cornice board if you need to keep the vertical blinds. I have them on two windows that have the pleated shades (smaller than yours by far, but still achievable ) Frilly valances fight the clean lines of the verticals while a clean simple valance compliments them. You can always add a lovely pattern with your fabric. I made mine from 2 extra wide double rods installed close together, wrapped with quilt batting and covered with fabric. I sewed velcro on the horizontal long sides and fastened on the back out of sight. I can easily change it out without removing the rods. I you don't sew then you can hot glue the velcro or even use duct tape on the back which won't show.

  • Benita Cicero Benita Cicero on Aug 10, 2017

    Cornice boards are great idea, you can also stencil each vertical blind with simple pattern in color that complements your room decor.

  • Joanie Joanie on Aug 10, 2017

    Cornices is the way I would go too!!! They can be easily made if you , boyfriend or husband is handy with wood and saws......I remember when they were the fashion. I bet they got some pretty ones out there now.

  • Moe23897492 Moe23897492 on Aug 10, 2017

    Depending on how much work you want to do! Cornice boards are your number one go to. They are so simple to make, whether you use 1x6's to 1x12's a couple of angle irons, stain or upholstered! Upholstered is really easy and looks professional. I should know, I am a professional. 1" thick batting and your choice of fabric . A hand staple gun or electric. It's good to also put a top board, especially if you have stairs in the area. Also gives you something to mount to. After you staple your fabric to the top and back, it's a good idea to line or cover the inside to hide where you stapled the fabric. You can just glue the lining on. Heck, you can even hot glue the front. Best to use a white liner, so that it's white from the outside. You could even use paper on the back!

  • Deb Deb on Aug 10, 2017

    I know who bought fabric napkins and laid them side by side, point down, over the rail.

    Very cute and easy to change out.

  • Deb Deb on Aug 10, 2017

    oops, "I know someone . . . ."