1-2-3 Eyes On Me Halloween Mason Jar Teacher Gift and Printable

Teachers are sure to get a kick out of these Halloween Mason Jars featuring a phrase often used in the classroom. Kids can help make it, too!
Paint pupils onto white foam balls about the size of ping pong balls. You can use craft paint or permanent ink pens. I used two creepy colors for each eyeball, along with black in the middle.
Poke a hole through each foam ball using an awl or wood skewer (be careful!). Then, thread a pipe cleaner through the hole, so that about 1/4 of the pipe cleaner is sticking out the top. Tie a knot in the pipe cleaner at the top and underneath the eyeball. Repeat with the other two.
Twist the long end around the holes in a flower top Mason jar lid. It should go through at least two holes. Repeat with the other two. Twirl the top end of the pipe cleaners around a pen to curl them.
Twist the three stems together about 1/2 an inch above the lid, to help the stems stand up. Then tie some trim around it to hide the twist. I painted a strip of cheesecloth with black paint and tied it with some ribbon.
Find the rest of the tutorial in the link below, and don't forget the printable tag!
Steph @ The Silly Pearl
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  • Keira Keira on Aug 10, 2019

    Where can I find the printable tag?

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