Making clear door glass more private

by Deb
I have a beautiful solid wood entry door with an oval beveled glass in it. How can I make it more private?
  9 answers
  • Carole Carole on Oct 29, 2015
    If you want to make the glass opaque so you cannot see through it then there is an easy to apply plastic film on a roll that you can buy at hardware stores and DIY stores. There are various patterns and you just wash the window first with baby shampoo, peel the layer off the back of the film and apply and smooth the air bubbles out. Trim round the edges of the film with a sharp blade and you are pretty much done. We did this to our front door where there were 4 windows that were clear glass.
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    • B. Enne B. Enne on Oct 30, 2015
      @Deb Home Depot is where I bought mine. Make sure to buy the one WITHOUT adhesive.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 29, 2015
    You can also paint the glass.
  • Geoff Geoff on Oct 29, 2015
    How permanent would you like it ? You can use a glass etching paste and a stencil to put a nice frosted design on it - you get to choose the size and the design
  • Ellen Ellen on Oct 29, 2015
    I have painted 'stained glass' on windows (sold at craft stores-they sell patterns, too), used frosted contact paper, and frosted spray paint on windows for privacy. You can cut out a pattern on frosted contact paper with an Exacto knife, and apply. Good luck; but most of all, have fun doing it!
  • Phe1485986 Phe1485986 on Oct 29, 2015
    I had the same issue with a steel door and two side lights. I made a curtain panel, with white lining and put magnets across the top and sides. It looks nice on both sides. I know yours is wooden so you might try stick-on Velcro strips. When I'm not using it, I hang it in the closet with a pants hanger.
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  • Susan Bishop Susan Bishop on Oct 29, 2015
    Lace and cornstarch. I'm doing this on my full length glass front door.
    • Jane Jane on Oct 29, 2015
      @Susan Bishop Thanks so much for the link. This is a brilliant solution. Fast, cheap, removable. For those interested in complete privacy, check out this link. He cut up a white sheet and applied with cornstarch glue. I love the look. Almost like a shoji screen.
  • Sus2624590 Sus2624590 on Oct 29, 2015
    Buy a piece of gorgeous lace fabric and hang like a curtain panel over the glass.
  • Kru2590488 Kru2590488 on Oct 29, 2015
    You may want to acid etch a design using a template, or around slick-on decals.
    • See 1 previous
    • Kru2590488 Kru2590488 on Oct 31, 2015
      Its actually more messy than difficult. I would practice first on dollar store drinking glasses or wine goblets.
  • Kathy Bitzan Kathy Bitzan on Oct 29, 2015
    I just recently saw where someone used lace if that isn't to feminine for you along with corn starch to stick it to the glass, it dried clear. Looked beautiful.