Potatoes that have turned green

Teresa C
by Teresa C
I have several potatoes that have been exposed to sun light, causing them to turn green. Can I use these as seedlings for new potatoes since they are sprouting very well?
  8 answers
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Feb 02, 2016
    Hi Teresa Try contacting the university extension office at www.ces.ncsu.edu I think this website would be best to give you gardening - and especially potato gardening - advice for the North Carolina area. Best wishes!
  • Terri Wardell Terri Wardell on Feb 03, 2016
    Put them in a dark place for a few days, the green will go away and they will be just fine.
  • Linda B Linda B on Feb 03, 2016
    You CAN use them, but NCSU Extension recommends starting from purchased stock in order to minimize disease issues.
  • Bonny McDaniel Bonny McDaniel on Feb 03, 2016
    So many people don't realize that sprouting and green potatoes shouldn't be eaten. Many times, flu like symptoms come from eating the green and/or sprouted potatoes. But, you can plant them if you like. However, I usually buy certified planting potatoes at the nursery.
  • Jennie Herrick Jennie Herrick on Feb 04, 2016
    Of course!! Cut them in half and add a bit of your choice of fertilizer (personally I use manure) and pop those puppies (cut side down) in the ground with a small mound of soil on top of them. It looks like you have a few more months before you can do your planting yet. Unless of course you are impatient like me and try starting them in pots in the house. LOL Luckily for me, I live in Southern Florida, so I can pretty much garden year round! Good luck with your potatoes and have fun!
  • Bonny McDaniel Bonny McDaniel on Feb 05, 2016
    Be sure to let the cut potato pieces dry a day or two before planting otherwise you run the risk of mold and disease setting in. The cut needs to heal a little before contact with the dirt. I suggest you Google the subject as the potatoes should be 'hilled' as they grow. That is, you put them in a few inches of soil, cover them with a few inches and then, as the green leaves appear, you put more dirt on them and continue to do that as they grow. And home grown potatoes taste so much better than store bought ones, believe me.